(3β,20α)-11-メトキシ-19α-メチル-2-オキソホルモサナン-16-カルボン酸メチル 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
A further minor alkaloid obtained from the stem, stem bark, root and root bark
of Cabucala fasciculata, isocarboxine B is an isomer of the preceding alkaloid. It
forms an amorphous powder which cannot be crystallized and has no definite
melting point. It is dextrorotatory with a specific rotation of [α]
D + 53° (c 1.0,
CHC13). The structure given is based mainly upon spectroscopic evidence,
particularly the ultraviolet, NMR and mass spectra.
Titeux, Le Men-Olivier, LeMen, Phytochem., 14,565 (1975)
(3β,20α)-11-メトキシ-19α-メチル-2-オキソホルモサナン-16-カルボン酸メチル 上流と下流の製品情報