プロピルヘキセドリン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
Adrenergic (vasoconstrictor).
Propylhexedrine, a sympathomimetic amine, has been widely
available since 1949 in over-the-counter inhalants for nasal decongestion and in
oral anorexic preparations. As dependence can occur and because abuse has been
reported, propylhexedrine was subjected in 1986 to control under Schedule IV of
the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances.
(Reference: (WHTAC2) 2nd Report of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug
Dependence (IV), 729, , 1985)
Propylhexedrine is another analog ofamphetamine in which the aromatic ring has been replacedwith a cyclohexane ring. This drug produces vasoconstrictionand a decongestant effect on the nasal membranes, butit has only about one half the pressor effect of amphetamineand produces decidedly fewer effects on the CNS. Its majoruse is for a local vasoconstrictive effect on nasal mucosa inthe symptomatic relief of nasal congestion caused by thecommon cold, allergic rhinitis, or sinusitis.
プロピルヘキセドリン 上流と下流の製品情報