
ルバーブ 化学構造式
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ルバーブ 化学特性,用途語,生産方法


タデ科の多年草。シベリア南部原産で,食用に各地で栽培され,ショクヨウダイオウ (食用大黄) ,マルバダイオウとも呼ばれる。根は肥大し,多数の茎を根もとから分ち大株となる。葉は根生し心臓形で長さ 30~50cmに達し,葉柄は長さ 30cm,太さ 3cmにもなる。茎は中空で高さ1~2m,花は小さく,緑白色で円錐花序に多数つける。植物体全体に独特な香気と酸味があり,葉柄部をフキと同様に食用とし,またゼリーやパイに加えるほかジャムにもつくる。 「ラバーブ」のページをご覧ください。
ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典 ブリタニカ


(rhubarb) ルバーブは,タデ科の多年草。シベリア南部原産で、欧米では野菜として栽培される。高さ約二メートル。大きな株を作る。葉は長さ約三〇センチメートルの柄をもち心臓形で縁は波状、径三〇~四五センチメートル。花は緑白色で小さく円錐状に集まって咲く。まるばだいおう。


A vegetable, the stems of which are used for pies, jams, etc. The leaf is toxic, contain_x0002_ing a high level of soluble oxalates.


R. palmatum, or Chinese rhubarb, is a large, herbaceous, perennial plant with thick rhizomes that branch out after the first 2 to 3 years of growth. Its radical leaves split when the plant is 2 years old. R. palmatum grows in Tibet and western China, especially in high-altitude areas with dry climate. R. officinale differs from R. palmatum in that the leaves are divided in large, indented lobes; the bark is not red-dotted as that of R. palmatum, and the inflorescence is enlarged at the top. The plant flowers after 3 years and forms a flower-bearing stalk up to 2 to 3 m (7 to 10 ft) in height, with a long ear consisting of small, whiteyellowish flowers (May to June). It grows in the high-altitude areas of Tibet and China. R. rhaponticum is a perennial, herbaceous plant growing up to 1 to 2 m (3 to 7 ft) in height. It has a thick rhizome, erect stalk, numerous leaves and white-yellowish flowers in a terminal cluster. It is native to central Asia and extensively cultivated in Europe. The parts used are the skinned rhizomes and roots of R. rhaponticum. The dried product has various appearances, depending on the origin of the plant. Chinese rhubarb is classified by shape—flat, derived from large, cylindrical rhizomes split in the middle, or round. The rhizome is heavy, hard, orange-yellow or reddish gray, exhibiting irregular, granular fractures. The characteristic star-shaped nodules, not present in the roots, are apparent. The Chinese rhubarb rhizome exhibits a radius larger than that of R. rhaponticum. The two varieties may also be differentiated by the harsher odor of R. rhaponticurn as compared to Chinese rhubarb. Under Wood’s fluorescent light, the reddish-brown color of Chinese rhubarb remains unaltered, whereas that of R. rhaponticum changes from violet to blue on addition of ammonia. Rhubarb has a bitter-tonic flavor.


Chinese rhubarb contains from 2.5 to 4.5% anthracene compounds both in the reduced and oxidized state (free or bound as glucosides). It contains chrysophanic acid, rhabarberone, alizarin, cinnamic and gallic acids and tannins. A main constituent is also calcium oxalate. The content in anthracene compounds of R. rhaponticurn is 1.9 to 2.5%. This variety also contains rhaponticin. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity-guided fractionation and chemical analysis of acetone extract of the rhizomes led to the isolation of two potent compounds, 3,4?,5-trihydroxystilbene-4?-O-β-D-(2?-O-galloyl)glucopyranoside and 3,4?,5-trihydroxystilbene4?-O-β-D-(6?-O-galloyl)glucopyranoside. These compounds showed a competitive inhibition against tyrosinase and also inhibit melanin biosynthesis.* Hydroxyanthraquinones from R. officinale Baill (Dahuang) have also been isolated.

ルバーブ 上流と下流の製品情報



ルバーブ 生産企業

Global( 5)Suppliers
名前 電話番号 電子メール 国籍 製品カタログ 優位度
Beijing Solarbio Science & Tecnology Co., Ltd. 010-50973130 4009686088
3193328036@qq.com China 29795 68
Beijing Solarbio Science & Tecnology Co., Ltd. 010-50973186 4009686088
3193328036@qq.com China 18352 68


  • Rhubarb
  • ルバーブ
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