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Product Name:RennetCasein
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Rennet Casein is the product that results from the precipitation of pasteurized milk with a rennet enzyme. rennet casein requires a ph above 9 to dissolve, as compared to acid casein, which can be dis- solved in alkali at a ph as low as 6.5. rennet casein can be dispersed at lower ph by adding a complex phosphate such as sodium tripoly- phosphate. this results in a casein of good emulsifying, whipping, foam stability, and water-binding properties. uses include imitation cheese.Rennet Casein is the product that results from the precipitation of pasteurized milk with a rennet enzyme. rennet casein requires a ph above 9 to dissolve, as compared to acid casein, which can be dis- solved in alkali at a ph as low as 6.5. rennet casein can be dispersed at lower ph by adding a complex phosphate such as sodium tripoly- phosphate. this results in a casein of good emulsifying, whipping, foam stability, and water-binding properties. uses include imitation cheese.

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Company Name: AFINE CHEMICALS LIMITED      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: +86-0571-85134551
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Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:RENNET CASEIN
Purity:98%+ Package:Standard or custom package Remarks:excellent quality and reliable supplier
CB Index: 58
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