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Synonyms:ISOPHTHALICTRIMETHYLOLETHANE-SOYBEANOILPOLYMER;ISOPHTHALICTRIMETHYLYLOLETHANE-SOYBEANOILPOLYMER;1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, trimethylolethane, soybean oil polymer;Isophthalic acid, trimethylolethane, soybean oil polymer;Soybean oil, polymer with isophthalic acid and trimethylolethane
Mol File:Mol File


Isophthalictrimethylolethane-soybeanoilpolymer contains carboxylic acid. carboxylic acids donate hydrogen ions if a base is present to accept them. they react in this way with all bases, both organic (for example, the amines) and inorganic. their reactions with bases, called neutralizations, are accompanied by the evolution of substantial amounts of heat. neutralization between an acid and a base produces water plus a salt. carboxylic acids with six or fewer carbon atoms are freely or moderately soluble in water; those with more than six carbons are slightly soluble in water. soluble carboxylic acids dissociate to an extent in water to yield hydrogen ions. the ph of solutions of carboxylic acids is therefore less than 7.0. many insoluble carboxylic acids react rapidly with aqueous solutions containing a chemical base and dissolve as the neutralization generates a soluble salt. carboxylic acids in aqueous solution and liquid or molten carboxylic acids can react with active metals to form gaseous hydrogen and a metal salt.

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