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Product Name:BRONZE
Synonyms:COPPER-TIN ALLOY;COPPER METAL ALLOY-COPPER TIN;BRONZE;COPPER-TIN ALLOY, CA. 90/10, SPHERICAL P OWDER,-200 MESH;Bronze powder, -100 mesh, 99.0% (metals basis);Bronze, Sn5Cu84;Copper-tin alloy,Bronze, Sn5Cu84;Copper-tin alloy spherical powder, -200 Mesh
Mol File:158113-12-3.mol


bronze: Any of a group of alloys ofcopper and tin, sometimes with leadand zinc present. The amount of tinvaries from 1% to 30%. The alloy ishard and easily cast and extensivelyused in bearings, valves, and othermachine parts. Various improvedbronzes are produced by addingother elements; for instance, phosphorbronzes contain up to 1% phosphorus.In addition certain alloys ofcopper and metals other than tin arecalled bronzes – aluminium bronze isa mixture of copper and aluminium.Other special bronzes include bellmetal, gun metal, and berylliumbronze.

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Company Name: Zhengzhou Alfa Chemical Co.,Ltd      Recommend     Complaint
Email: sale04@alfachem.cn
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:BRONZE
Purity:95% Min. Package:100g; 500g; 1kg; 25kg;bulk package
CB Index: 58
WebSite: https://www.chemicalbook.com/manufacturer/zhengzhou-alfa-chemical-276/
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(12962)   User Evaluation
Company Name: LEAPCHEM CO., LTD.      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: +86-852-30606658
Email: market18@leapchem.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:BRONZE
Purity:0 Package:1g; 5g; 25g; 1kg; 5kg; 25kg Remarks:0
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.leapchem.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(43348)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Alfa Aesar      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 400-6106006
FAX: 021-67582001/03/05
Email: saleschina@alfa-asia.com
Products Intro: Product Name:Bronze powder, -100 Mesh, 99.0% (Metals basis)
Package:250g Remarks:088359   More...
CB Index: 84
WebSite: http://chemicals.thermofisher.cn
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(30132)   User Evaluation(11)
Company Name: Beijing Ouhe Technology Co., Ltd      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 010-82967028
FAX: +86-10-82967029
Email: 2355560935@qq.com
Products Intro: Product Name:BRONZE
Purity:98% Package:10g;50g;100g;250g;500g   More...
CB Index: 60
WebSite: http://www.ouhechem.com/
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(12458)   User Evaluation(24)
Company Name: Tianjin heowns Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd.      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 400 638 7771
Email: sales@heowns.com
Products Intro: Product Name:Copper-tin alloy
Purity:spherical powder, ?200 Mesh Package:1g;5g;25g;100g;500g;1000g   More...
CB Index: 57
WebSite: www.heowns.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(14443)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Sigma-Aldrich      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 021-61415566
Email: orderCN@merckgroup.com
Products Intro: Product Name:Copper-tin alloy
Purity:spherical powder, -200 mesh Package:1KG Remarks:520365-1KG   More...
CB Index: 80
WebSite: https://www.sigmaaldrich.cn
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(51471)   User Evaluation(1)
Company Name: Tianjin heowns Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd.      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 400-6387771-6037
Email: sales@heowns.com
Products Intro: Product Name:Copper-tin alloy
Purity:spherical powder, ?200 mesh Package:626RMB/250g Remarks:C-93729-250g   More...
CB Index: 60
WebSite: www.heowns.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(20675)   User Evaluation(1)
Company Name: Wuhan Yuqing Jiaheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 027-83855382
Email: 15926260338@163.com
Products Intro: Product Name:Copper-tin alloy
Purity:HPLC Package:5KG;1KG;25KG   More...
CB Index: 58
WebSite: https://www.chemicalbook.com/ShowSupplierProductsList983681/0.htm
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(2040)   User Evaluation
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