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Product Name:Naloxone
Mol File:465-65-6.mol


Naloxone (Narcan) is a pure antagonist at allopioid receptor subtypes. Structurally, it resembles oxymorphoneexcept that the methyl group on the nitrogen isreplaced by an allyl group. This minor structural change retains high binding affinity to the receptor, but no intrinsicactivity. It is used to reverse the respiratory depressant effectsof opioid overdoses.Naloxone is administered intravenously with an onset ofaction within 2 minutes. Because it is competing with theopioid for the receptor sites, the dose and frequency of administrationwill depend on the amount and type of narcoticbeing antagonized. Overdoses of long-acting opioids(methadone) may require multiple IV doses of naloxone orcontinuous infusions. Neonates born to opioid-exposedmothers may be given IV naloxone at birth to reverse the effectsof opiates.Very few metabolism studies on naloxone have beenconducted, although the major metabolite found in the urineis naloxone-3-glucuronide.

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Company Name: Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.,Ltd.      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: +86-0371-55170693
FAX: 0371-55170693
Email: info@tianfuchem.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:Naloxone API
Purity:99% Package:25KG;5KG;1KG
CB Index: 55
WebSite: https://www.tianfuchem.com/
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(21673)   User Evaluation(8)
Company Name: Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.       Recommend     Complaint
Tel: 18871490254
FAX: 027-59599243
Email: linda@hubeijusheng.com
Nationality: CHINA
Products Intro: Product Name:naloxone
Purity:99% Package:5KG;1KG
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.hubeijusheng.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(28180)   User Evaluation
Company Name: CONIER CHEM AND PHARMA LIMITED      Recommend     Complaint
Email: sales@conier.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:naloxone
Purity:0.99 Package:1kg
CB Index: 58
WebSite: http://www.conier.com/
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(49391)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: +86-029-89586680
FAX: +86-29-88380327
Email: 1026@dideu.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:Naloxone USP/EP/BP
Purity:99.9% Package:25kgs/Drum;200kgs/Drum Remarks:FDA GMP CEP Approved Manufacturer
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.dideu.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(9030)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Zhejiang J&C Biological Technology Co.,Limited      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: +1-2135480471
Email: sales@sarms4muscle.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:Ingenol
Purity:99% Package:5KG;1KG
CB Index: 58
WebSite: https://www.sarms4muscle.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(10522)   User Evaluation
Company Name: LEAP CHEM CO., LTD.      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: +86-852-30606658
Email: market18@leapchem.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:Naloxone
Package:1g; 5g; 25g; 1kg; 5kg; 25kg
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.leapchem.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(24738)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Shanghai Acmec Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd.      Recommend     Complaint
Email: product@acmec-e.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:Naloxone
Purity:>97% Package:5mg, 25mg
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.acmec.com.cn/
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(33350)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co,Ltd.      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 86-21-63210123
FAX: 86-21-63290778 86-21-63218885
Email: sj_scrc@sinopharm.com
Products Intro: Product Name:Naloxone (125 mg)
Package:125 mg   More...
CB Index: 79
WebSite: www.reagent.com.cn
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(9823)   User Evaluation(13)
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