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Product Name:Oil and gas separation defoaMing agents
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Oil and gas separation defoaMing agents
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Company Name: Tianjin Zhongxin Chemtech Co., Ltd.      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: +86-022-66880623
FAX: 022-66880086
Email: sales@tjzxchem.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:Oil and gas separation defoaMing agents
Remarks:Have good Inhibitory effect for all sorts of heavy and light oil in low concentration
CB Index: 58
WebSite: http://www.tjzxchem.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(562)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Tianjin Zhongxin Chemtech Co., Ltd.      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 022-66880623
FAX: 86(0)22-66880086
Email: sales@tjzxchem.com
Products Intro: Product Name:Oil and gas separation defoaming agents
Remarks:Have good Inhibitory effect for all sorts of heavy and light oil in low concentration   More...
CB Index: 60
WebSite: http://www.tjzxchem.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(614)   User Evaluation(11)
Tag: Oil and gas separation defoaMing agents