13550-45-3 Basic information More..
Product Name:CERIUM
Synonyms:Cerium in nitric acid;Cerium standard solution, 1 mg/ml Ce in 2% HNO3;Cerium plasma standard solution, Ce 10000μg/mL;Cerium AAS standard solution, Ce 1000μg/mL;CERIUM METAL;CERIUM ATOMIC ABSORPTION STANDARD;CERIUM ICP/DCP STANDARD;CERIUM ICP STANDARD
Mol File:13550-45-3.mol


Cerium, a soft, silvery and ductile metal, is the most abundant of the rare earth elements. It also has numerous applications. For example, cerium (III) oxide is used as a catalyst for the oxidation of CO emissions from motor vehicles, while cerium oxide (IV) is used for precision polishing of optical componets. Cerium compounds are also used in producing glass. Cerium can also be add to aluminum, iron and magnesium alloys to their properties.

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Company Name: Hubei xin bonus chemical co. LTD      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: 86-13657291602
FAX: 027-59338440
Email: linda@hubeijusheng.com
Nationality: CHINA
Products Intro: Product Name:CERIUM
Purity:0.99 Package:5KG;1KG
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.chemicalbook.com/ShowSupplierProductsList1549548/0.htm
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Company Name: Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd      Recommend     Complaint
Tel: +86-029-89586680
FAX: +86-29-88380327
Email: 1026@dideu.com
Nationality: China
Products Intro: Product Name:CERIUM
Purity:99.00% Package:25kgs/Drum;200kgs/Drum Remarks:ISO 9001:2015 REACH Approved Manufacturer
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.dideu.com
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Company Name: Mainchem Co., Ltd.      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: +86-0592-6210733
FAX: +86-0592-6210733
Email: sale@mainchem.com
Products Intro: Product Name:CERIUM
CB Index: 55
WebSite: https://www.mainchem.com
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Company Name: Shanghai Hanhong Scientific Co.,Ltd.      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 021-54306202
Email: info@hanhongsci.com
Products Intro: Product Name:Cerium in nitric acid
Remarks:RA10130020   More...
CB Index: 64
WebSite: www.hanhongsci.com
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Company Name: Spectrum Chemical Manufacturing Corp.      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 021-021-021-67601398-809-809-809
FAX: 021-57711696
Email: marketing_china@spectrumchemical.com
Products Intro: Product Name:CeriuM AtoMic Absorption Standard
CB Index: 60
WebSite: www.spectrumchemical.com/oa_html/index.jsp?minisite=10020&respid=22372&language=us
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Company Name: Chengdu Ai Keda Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 4008-755-333
FAX: 028-86757656
Email: 800078821@qq.com
Products Intro: Product Name:CeriuM Metal
Purity:HPLC;GR;AR;CP Package:5g;25g;100g;500g   More...
CB Index: 55
WebSite: http://www.aikeshiji.com
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Company Name: JinJin Le Chemical Co., Ltd      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 10106090
Email: jjlchem2@163.com
Products Intro: Product Name:CERIUM
Purity:电询 Package:电询   More...
CB Index: 58
WebSite: http://www.jinjinlechem.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(9986)   User Evaluation(1)
Company Name: Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd      Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 029-81024372
FAX: 029-88380327
Email: 1027@dideu.com
Products Intro: Product Name:CERIUM
Purity:99%   More...
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.dideu.cn
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(10011)   User Evaluation
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