12220-70-1(Acid Yellow 79)

12220-70-1 Basic information More..
Product Name:Acid Yellow 79
Synonyms:Acid Yellow 4GL;Best Acid Milling Yellow 4GL;Everacid Yellow 4G;Kenamide Yellow K4G;Levaderm Lemon;Polar Yellow 4G;Sellaset Yellow B;Supranol Fast Yellow 4GL
Mol File:Mol File
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Company Name: Alfa Chemistry    Recommend    Complaint
Tel: 1-516-6625404
Email: support@alfa-chemistry.com
Nationality: United States
Products Intro: Product Name:Acid Yellow 79
CB Index: 60
WebSite: https://www.alfa-chemistry.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(9171)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Alfa Chemistry    Recommend    Complaint
Tel: +1-5166625404
Email: Info@alfa-chemistry.com
Nationality: United States
Products Intro: Product Name:Acid Yellow 79
CB Index: 58
WebSite: https://www.alfa-chemistry.com/
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(21317)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Urmit Chemical Pvt Ltd    Recommend    Complaint
Tel: +91-9825437909
Email: export@urmitchem.com
Nationality: India
Products Intro: Product Name:Acid yellow 79
Purity:99% Package:1 kg,5 kg, 10 kg,25kg and 1 MT
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.urmitchem.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(147)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Bharat Color Chem    Recommend    Complaint
Tel: +91-7940372890 +91-7940372890
Email: info@bharatcolorchem.com
Nationality: India
Products Intro: Product Name:Acid yellow 79
Purity:98% Package:1 kg,5 kg, 10 kg,25kg and 1 MT
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.bharatcolorchem.com
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(29)   User Evaluation
Company Name: Emichem Pvt Ltd    Recommend    Complaint
Tel: +91-3340440048 +91-9831626921
Email: info@emichem.co.in
Nationality: India
Products Intro: Product Name:Acid yellow 79
Purity:98% Package:1 kg,5 kg, 10 kg,25kg and 1 MT
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.emichem.co.in
Related Information: Sales Network   Catalog(176)   User Evaluation
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