(Ethoxylated 3-hydroxypropyl methyl dimethyl siloxanes and silicones)

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Product Name:Ethoxylated 3-hydroxypropyl methyl dimethyl siloxanes and silicones
Synonyms:Ethoxylated 3-hydroxypropyl methyl dimethyl siloxanes and silicones
Mol File:Mol File
Ethoxylated 3-hydroxypropyl methyl dimethyl siloxanes and silicones
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Company Name: Dadia Chemical Industries    Recommend    Complaint
Tel: +91-9920521550 +91-9892510297
Email: sales@dadiachem.com
Nationality: India
Products Intro: Product Name:Ethoxylated 3-hydroxypropyl methyl dimethyl siloxanes and silicones
Purity:99% Package:1 kg,5 kg, 10 kg,25kg and 1 MT
CB Index: 58
WebSite: www.dadiachem.com
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Tag: Ethoxylated 3-hydroxypropyl methyl dimethyl siloxanes and silicones