

英文名称Mouse Anti Human c-myc
英文同义词mAHuc-myc;Mouse Anti Human c-myc
Mol文件Mol File
结构式鼠抗人C-MYC抗体 结构式

鼠抗人C-MYC抗体 性质

鼠抗人C-MYC抗体 用途与合成方法

小鼠单克隆抗体 to c-Myc

Mouse与反应: HumanUnconjugatedThis antibody was produced from a hybridoma resulting from the fusion of a mouse myeloma with B cells obtained from a mouse immunized with purified, recombinant Human CD10/Neprilysin/MME (rh CD10/Neprilysin/MME; Catalog#10805-H07H; NP_000893.2; Tyr52-Trp750). The IgG fraction of the cell culture supernatant was purified by Protein A affinity chromatography.适用于: IHC-P, IP

Immunoprecipitation - Anti-c-Myc antibody [8] (ab17355)
Immunoprecipitation analysis of H9 Human ES cells, using ab17355 to immunoprecipitate c-Myc.
Cells were lysed in lysis buffer before being subjected to immunoprecipitation using the primary antibody overnight. Immunocomplexes were recovered with protein-G-sepharose beads. Samples were resolved by SDS-PAGE before transfer to PVDF membrane. The membranes were incubated with the appropriate antibodies and analysed by western blot.

The cluster of differentiation (CD) system is commonly used as cell markers in immunophynotyping. Different kinds of cells in the immune system can be identified through the surface CD molecules which associating with the immune function of the cell. There are more than 32 CD unique clusters and subclusters have been identified. Some of the CD molecules serve as receptors or ligands important to the cell through initiating a signal cascade which then alter the behavior of the cell. Some CD proteins do not take part in cell signal process but have other functions such as cell adhesion. Cluster of differentiation 1 (CD1), also known as Neprilysin and neutral endopeptidase, is a member of the CD system. CD1 is a zinc-dependent metalloprotease enzyme that had function to degrade a number of small secreted peptides such as the amyloid beta peptide. It exist as a membrane-bound protein and have high concentration in kidney and lung tissues. Mutations in the CD1 gene can induce the familial forms of Alzheimer's disease, providing strong evidence for the protein's association with the Alzheimer's disease process. CD1 is also associated with other biochemical processes.双抗体夹心法测定标本中人C-MYC水平。用纯化的人C-MYC抗体包被微孔板,制成固相抗体,往包被单抗的微孔中依次加入人C-MYC,再与HRP标记的人C-MYC抗体结合,形成抗体-抗原-酶标抗体复合物,经过彻底洗涤后加底物TMB显色。TMB在HRP酶的催化下转化成蓝色,并在酸的作用下转化成最终的黄色。颜色的深浅和样品中的人C-MYC呈正相关。用酶标仪在450nm波长下测定吸光度(OD值),通过标准曲线计算样品中人C-MYC浓度。
鼠抗人C-MYC抗体是一类可以特异性结合人C-MYC的多克隆抗体,主要用于检测人C-MYC的Western Blot、IHC-P、IF、ELISA、Co-IP等多种免疫学实验。





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