BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless)

BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless) Suppliers list
Company Name: Beyotime Biotechnology  
Tel: 021-67602129
Products Intro:
BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless) Basic information
Product Name:BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless)
Product Categories:
Mol File:Mol File
BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless) Structure
BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless) Chemical Properties
Safety Information
MSDS Information
BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless) Usage And Synthesis
BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless) Preparation Products And Raw materials
Tag:BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Low Adsorption Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless) Related Product Information
1 ml natural color gun head 1 ml blue gun head BEYOMAG magnetic separation frame (12 holes) 1 ml long blue gun head BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Tip (0.1-10ΜL, colorless) 5 ml short shot 3 ml pasteurized straw BEYOMAG magnetic separation frame (24 holes) 10 microliter gun head 1 ml Pasteur pipette (sterile) 200 microliter yellow gun head BEYOGOLD Aseptic Boxed Tips (1-200ΜL, Yellow) 1 ml head box (100 holes) 200 microliter gun head box 盛液器(排枪用) 1 ml pasteurized straw 1 ml head box (60 holes) 3 ml pasteurized straw (sterile)