COALDUST Basic information
Product Name:COALDUST
Product Categories:
Mol File:Mol File
COALDUST Structure
COALDUST Chemical Properties
form Solid
Safety Information
MSDS Information
COALDUST Usage And Synthesis
DescriptionCoal dust is a combustible dark brown-blacksolid dispersed in the air. Properties vary depending on typeof coal.
UsesCoal is a fuel, and is used in the production of coke, coal gas, and coal tar compounds
Health HazardThe inhalation of coal dust causes coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP).
Simple CWP has no clinically distinguishing symptoms, because many miners have a slight cough and blackish sputum, which are of no help in establishing whether or not the disease is present.1 Simple CWP is diagnosed according to the number of small opacities present in the chest film. The small opacities may be linear (irregular) or rounded (regular); however, the latter are more commonly seen in CWP and are most frequently located in the upper lung zones.1 The primary lesion of simple CWP is the coal macule, a focal collection of coal dust particles with a little reticulin and collagen accumulation, measuring up to 5 mm in diameter. Focal emphysema may be associated.
Potential ExposureTumorigen.Those involved in the mining, preparation, delivery, or useof powdered coal.
First aidIf this chemical gets into the eyes, remove anycontact lenses at once and irrigate immediately for at least15 min, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids. Seek medical attention immediately. If this chemical contacts theskin, remove contaminated clothing and wash immediatelywith soap and water. Seek medical attention immediately. Ifthis chemical has been inhaled, remove from exposure,begin rescue breathing (using universal precautions, including resuscitation mask) if breathing has stopped and CPR ifheart action has stopped. Transfer promptly to a medicalfacility. When this chemical has been swallowed, get medical attention. Give large quantities of water and inducevomiting. Do not make an unconscious person vomit.
storageColor Code—Yellow Stripe [dust (strong reducingagent)]: Reactivity Hazard; Store separately in an area isolated from flammables, combustibles, or other yellow-codedmaterials. Prior to working with this material you should betrained on its proper handling and storage. Store in a cool,well-ventilated area away from strong oxidizers and openflame. Sources of ignition, such as smoking and openflames, are prohibited where this chemical is used, handled,or stored in a manner that could create a potential fire orexplosion hazard.
ShippingCarbon, animal, or vegetable origin requires ashipping label of “SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTIBLE.”It falls in Hazard Class 4.2 and Packing Group III. Theletter “I” identifies proper shipping names which are appropriate for describing materials in international transportation. An alternate proper shipping name may beselected when only domestic transportation is involved.
IncompatibilitiesKeep dust away from strong oxidizers.The dust can act as a reducing agent. Slightly explosivewhen exposed to flame
Long Term ExposureThe inhalation of coal dust maycause coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), chronic bronchitis, decreased pulmonary function, emphysema. This canresult in reduction in ventilatory capacity, pulmonary hypertension, and premature death.
Personal Protective MethodsWear thick working glovesand safety glasses.
Fire ExtinguishingThis chemical is a combustible solid.Coal dust is explosive when exposed to flame. Use drychemical, carbon dioxide, water spray, or alcohol foamextinguishers. Poisonous gases can be produced in fire,including carbon monoxide. If employees are expected tofight fires, they must be trained and equipped in OSHA1910.156. The only respirators recommended for firefighting are self-contained breathing apparatuses that have fullface-pieces and are operated in a pressure-demand or otherpositive-pressure mode.
Disposal Method SuggestedUse land reclamation ordumps.
COALDUST Preparation Products And Raw materials
Tag:COALDUST Related Product Information