NucleoBond RNA/DNA Combi sample (10) 10 preps for the isolation of RNA/DNA from eukaryotic cells, bacteria, tissue and yeast Buffer W1, W3, W4, W5, W6, RO, R1, R2, R3, R4, N5, Urea NucleoBond AXR 400 columns, plastic washers Protocol
NucleoSpin Robot-96 Plasmid (24 x 96) 24 x 96 preps for the isolation of plasmid DNA, Buffer A1, A2, A3, AW, A4, AE, RNase A, NucleoSpin Filter Plates, NucleoSpin Plasmid Plates, MN Wash Plates, square-well blocks, square-well block incl. gas-permeable fo
NucleoSpin Multi-96 Plus Plasmid (24 x 96) 24 x 96 preps for the isolation of plasmid DNA, Buffer A1, A2, A3, AW, A4, AE, RNase A, NucleoSpin Filter Plates, NucleoSpin Plasmid Plates, MN Wash Plates, square-well blocks incl. gas-permeable foil, elution pl