探索平台 公司信息

公司名称: 探索平台
网址: https://www.chemicalbook.com/ShowSupplierProductsList1131967/0.htm


NA Pr基匹配用溶液
NA PTP Sample for Lead in Isooctane Analysis标准品
NA PTP Sample for Particle Count Analysis标准品
NA Pt单元素溶液标准物质
NA Pr单元素溶液标准物质
NA PTP Sample for Viscosity Analysis标准品
NA Primary SDWA Metals-ICP or MS标准品
NA PTP Sample for Particle Count Analysis (traceable to NIST SRM 2806a) Co标准品
NA Propionate Standard for IC标准品
NA Reagecon Reagent Water 50 ppb Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Sievers 900/M9 Analysers标准品(总效期:3个月)
NA Rhenium Standard Re标准品
NA Rhodium Standard Rh标准品
NA Rhodium Rh 标准品
NA Rubidium Standard Rb标准品
NA Reagecon Non Purgeable Organic Carbon Mixed (NPOC 10) Standard(总效期:12个月)
NA Ruthenium Standard Ru标准品
NA Rhodium Standard Rb标准品
NA Reagecon 10 mmol/L HCL Acidified Water Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Elementar Analyser标准品(总效期:12个月)
NA Ruthenium - Ru标准品
NA Rb单元素溶液标准物质
NA Rubidium - Rb标准品
NA Relative Density Standard (25C)标准品
NA Rhodium Internal Standard Rh标准品
NA Relative Density Standard (15C)标准品
NA Rhenium Re标准品
NA Relative Density Standard (20C)标准品
NA Reagent Water Rw Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Sievers Checkpoint Analyser标准品(总效期:3个月)
NA Reagecon Non Purgeable Organic Carbon Mixed (NPOC 1) Standard(总效期:6个月)
NA Reagent Water Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for AQUA-Lab Analyser标准品(总效期:3个月)
NA Rhenium Standard for ICP标准品
NA Reagecon Non Purgeable Organic Carbon Mixed (NPOC 100) Standard(总效期:12个月)
NA Reagecon pH 12.45 Buffer Solution at 25°C in Twin Neck标准品
NA Sb单元素溶液标准物质
NA Selenium (VI) Standard Se+6标准品
NA Swan AMI LineTOC标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Sodium Na 标准品
NA Sodium Standard for AAS标准品
NA System Suitability Set to JP for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Sievers 900/M9 Analysers标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Acidified with HCl Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Analytik Jena Analyser标准品(总效期:12个月)
NA Sheath Bypass标准品
NA Samarium Standard Sm标准品
NA Set of 3 QC Check Samples in PE Powder Br, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb标准品
NA Sodium Standard Na标准品
NA S-VbyCapillaryColumnGC/MS标准品
NA Si单元素溶液标准物质
NA Se单元素溶液标准物质
NA Strontium Isotopic Standard Sr标准品
NA SWAN AMI LineTOC Calibration Standard标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Scandium Internal Standard Sc标准品
NA Selenium (IV) Standard Se+4标准品
NA Sr、Sb质控
NA SWAN AMI LineTOC FT Kit标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Silicium Standard for ICP标准品
NA System Suitability Set Thornton 5000 containing ISTOC1144 x2, ISTOC1145 & ISTOC1146)标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA SWAN AMI LineTOC USP SST Kit标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Set of 9 XRF Standards标准品
NA Selenium Se 标准品
NA Selenium Isotopic Standard Se标准品
NA Swan AMI Line TOC Calibration Kit标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Samarium - Sm标准品
NA Sulfide IC Standard标准品
NA Sodium AA Standard Na标准品
NA Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Shimadzu TOC-L/TOC-V/TOC-Vcsh/TOC-4200 Analysers标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA System Suitability Set to JP for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with OI Analytical and Teledyne Tekmar Analysers标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Silver AA Standard Ag标准品
NA Selenium Standard Se标准品
NA Sm单元素溶液标准物质
NA Selenium AA Standard Se标准品
NA System Suitability Set to JP for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Analytik Jena Analyser标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Sucrose Acidified Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Sievers 900/M9 Analysers标准品(总效期:12个月)
NA Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Sievers 900/M9 Analysers标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Scandium Sc标准品
NA Small Volume Sample Cups标准品
NA Strontium AA Standard Sr标准品
NA Silver Standard for ICP-MS标准品
NA SWAN AMI LineTOC USP Calibration Kit标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Silicon AA Standard Si标准品
NA Silicate Standard for IC标准品
NA Strontium Sr标准品
NA Sr单元素溶液标准物质
NA Silver Standard Ag标准品
NA Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for OI Analytical and Teledyne Tekmar Analysers标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Silver Ag标准品
NA Strontium Standard Sr标准品
NA Sucrose Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Sievers 900/M9 Analysers标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA System Suitability Set to JP for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Shimadzu TOC-L/TOC-V/TOC-Vcsh/TOC-4200 Analysers标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Si质控标准溶液
NA SPC-14AES混标(Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Zn,K)
NA Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Beckman QbD1200 Analyser标准品(总效期:2个月)
NA Scandium Standard Sc标准品
NA SWAN AMI LineTOC USP Reagent Water标准品(总效期:3个月)
NA Sucrose Acidified with HCl Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Sievers 900/M9 Analysers标准品(总效期:12个月)
NA Silicon Standard Si标准品
NA Sc单元素溶液标准物质
NA Silicon Si 标准品
NA P单元素溶液标准物质
NA P质控标准溶液
NA QC质量控制ICP多元素标准溶液1
NA QC Standard 7A 标准品
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