武汉科昊佳生物科技有限公司 公司信息

公司名称: 武汉科昊佳生物科技有限公司
电话: 027-88185565 13164666941
网址: www.biozj.com


Mouse β-galactosidase,βGAL ELISA Kit 小鼠β半乳糖苷酶(βGAL)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Thymosin α1 ELISA Kit 人胸腺肽α1(Thymosin α1)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Kallikrein 6,KLK 6 ELISA Kit 人激肽释放酶6(KLK 6)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Fibronectin,FN ELISA Kit 人纤连蛋白(FN)ELISA 试剂盒
Human β-subunits of hemoglobin,HB-β ELISA Kit 人血红蛋白β亚基(HB-β)ELISA 试剂盒
Double-sided centrifuge tube rack 双面离心管架
Human autoantibodies against the C-terminal domain Ⅳ,ACAST-DⅣ ELISA Kit 人抗钙蛋白酶抑素抗体(ACAST-DⅣ)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-ganglioside antibody,GM1 ELISA Kit 人抗神经节苷脂抗体(GM1)ELISA 试剂盒
Human soluble vasccular cell adhesion molecule 1,sVCAM-1 ELISA Kit 人可溶性血管细胞粘附分子1(sVCAM-1)ELISA 试剂盒
Human rheumatoid factor,RF ELISA Kit 人类风湿因子(RF)ELISA 试剂盒
Human granulocyte specific antinuclear antibody,GS-ANA ELISA Kit 人粒细胞特异性抗核抗体(GS-ANA)ELISA 试剂盒
human Immunoglobulin E,IgE ELISA Kit 人免疫球蛋白E(IgE)ELISA 试剂盒
Human prostate specific antigen,PSA ELISA Kit 人前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor D,VEGF-D ELISA KIT 人血管内皮细胞生长因子D(VEGF-D)ELISA 试剂盒
Mouse α mannosidase,α Manase ELISA Kit 小鼠α甘露糖苷酶(α Manase)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-hepatitis A virus IgM antibody,anti-HAV ELISA Kit 人抗甲型肝炎病毒IgM抗体(anti-HAV)ELISA 试剂盒
Human glomerular basement membrane antibogy,GBM ELISA Kit 人抗肾小球基底膜抗体(GBM)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-neutrophil granules antibody,ANGA ELISA Kit 人抗中性粒细胞颗粒抗体(ANGA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human clusterin,CLU ELISA Kit 人凝聚素(CLU)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Nephrin ELISA Kit 人肾病蛋白(nephrin)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Specifie Macrophage Arming Paetot,SMAF ELISA Kit 人特异性巨噬细胞武装因子(SMAF)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Adenovirus IgM,ADV-IgM ELISA Kit 人腺病毒IgM(ADV-IgM)ELISA 试剂盒
Span 80 (Span 80) 司班 80(司盘 80)
Mouse corticotropin releasing hormone,CRH ELISA Kit 小鼠促肾上皮质激素释放激素(CRH)ELISA 试剂盒
DIGITONIN 水溶毛地黄皂苷; 洋地黄皂苷 11024-24-1
human free chorionic gonadotropin,f-βhCG ELISA KIT 人游离β绒毛膜促性腺激素(f-βhCG)ELISA 试剂盒
Mouse α-L-iduronidase,IDUA ELISA Kit 小鼠αL艾杜糖苷酸酶(IDUA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Arginase,Arg ELISA Kit 人精氨酸酶(Arg)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-Mi2-antibody ELISA Kit 人抗Mi2抗体(anti-Mi2-Ab)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-albumin antibody,AAA ELISA Kit 人抗白蛋白抗体(AAA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-golgi apparatus antibody,AGAA ELISA Kit 人抗高尔基体抗体(AGAA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human tubular basement membrane antibogy,TBM ELISA Kit 人抗肾小管基底膜抗体(TBM)ELISA 试剂盒
Human salivary duct autoantibody,SDA ELISA Kit 人抗唾液腺导管组织抗体(SDA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE ELISA Kit 人系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)ELISA 试剂盒
Human hepatitis B virus X Ag,HBxAg ELISA Kit 人乙型肝炎病毒X抗原(HBxAg)ELISA 试剂盒
NA 三十烷醇 纯度大于96
Pepsin 1: 60000 胃蛋白酶1:60000
NA 无水醋酸钠(无水乙酸钠)
Human replication protein A,RPA-70 ELISA Kit 人复制蛋白A(RPA-70)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Agrin ELISA Kit 人聚集蛋白(Agrin)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-IgA antibody ELISA Kit 人抗IgA抗体(anti-IgA-Ab)ELISA 试剂盒
Human InterferonαAntibody,IFNα-Ab ELISA Kit 人抗α干扰素抗体(IFNα-Ab)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Anti-smooth muscle antibody,ASMA ELISA Kit 人抗平滑肌抗体(ASMA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human advanced oxidation protein products,AOPP ELISA Kit 人晚期氧化蛋白产物(AOPP)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Vitamin D Receptor,VD R ELISA Kit 人维生素D受体(VD R)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Cytotoxin-associated protein,CagA ELISA Kit 人细胞毒素相关蛋白A(CagA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human cathepsin D,cath-D ELISA Kit 人组织蛋白酶D(cath-D)ELISA 试剂盒
Mouse Gamma-aminobutyric acid,GABA ELISA Kit 小鼠γ氨基丁酸(GABA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor,SLPI ELISA Kit 人分泌性白细胞蛋白酶抑制因子(SLPI)ELISA 试剂盒
Human tenascin-R,TN-R ELISA Kit 人肌腱蛋白R(TN-R)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Thyroxine-Binding Globulin Assay,TBG ELISA Kit 人甲状腺结合球蛋白(TBG)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-Epstein-Barr virus antibody,EBV ELISA Kit 人抗EB病毒抗体(EBV)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-parainfluenza virus IgM antibody, anti-PIV IgM ELISA Kit 人抗副流感病毒IgM抗体(anti-PIV IgM)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-respiratory syncytial virus antibody,RSV ELISA Kit 人抗呼吸道合胞病毒抗体(RSV)ELISA 试剂盒
Human leukocyte antigen E,HLA-E ELISA Kit 人类白细胞抗原E(HLA-E)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Glycated Albumin,GA ELISA Kit 人糖化白蛋白(GA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Adenovirus Antigen,ADV-Ag ELISA Kit 人腺病毒抗原(ADV-Ag)ELISA 试剂盒
Human chlamydial protease-like activity factor,CPAF ELISA Kit 人衣原体蛋白酶样活性因子(CPAF)ELISA 试剂盒
Human nonsmall cell lung cancer/Lung tumor Antigen,LTA ELISA Kit 人非小细胞肺癌抗原(LTA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Toxoplasma Gondii,T.gondii ELISA Kit 人刚地弓形虫(T.gondii)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Collagen autoantibody,CLA ELISA Kit 人抗胶原蛋白抗体(CLA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Squamous Cell CaFAinoma Antigen 2,SCCAg 2 ELISA Kit 人鳞状上皮细胞癌抗原2(SCCAg-2)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Tacrolimus-FK506 ELISA Kit 人他克莫司(FK506)ELISA 试剂盒
Human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,NGAL ELISA Kit 人中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)ELISA 试剂盒
Human alpha-granular membrane protein,GMP-140 ELISA Kit 人血浆α颗粒膜蛋白(GMP-140)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Insulin Receptor β,ISR-β ELISA KIT 人胰岛素受体β(ISR-β)ELISA 试剂盒
human colicin ELISA Kit 人大肠菌素(colicin)ELISA 试剂盒
Human multidrug resistance-associated protein,MRP ELISA Kit 人多药耐药相关蛋白(MRP)ELISA 试剂盒
Human activated coagulation factor Ⅻ,FⅫa ELISA Kit 人活化凝血因子Ⅻ(FⅫa)ELISA 试剂盒
Human myosin heavy chain,MHC ELISA Kit 人肌球蛋白重链(MHC)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Stromelysin-2,ST2 ELISA Kit 人基质裂解素(ST2)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Anti-nuclear Antibody,ANA ELISA Kit 人抗核抗体(ANA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human steroid cell autoantibody,SCA ELISA Kit 人抗类固醇细胞抗体(SCA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human signal recognization particle antibody,SRP ELISA Kit 人抗信号识别颗粒抗体(SRP)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Influenza viruses IgG,FLU ELISA Kit 人流感病毒抗体IgG(FLU)ELISA 试剂盒
Human immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region,IgHV ELISA Kit 人免疫球蛋白重链可变区(IgHV)ELISA 试剂盒
Human cartilage oligomeric matrix protein,COMP ELISA Kit 人软骨寡聚基质蛋白(COMP)ELISA 试剂盒
Human epithelial specific antigen,ESA ELISA Kit 人上皮特异性抗原(ESA)ELISA 试剂盒
EOSIN B 曙红B; 伊红B; 蓝光曙红 548-24-3
Human talin ELISA Kit 人踝蛋白(talin)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-toxoplasma IgM antibody,anti-tox IgM ELISA Kit 人抗弓形体IgM抗体(anti-tox IgM)ELISA 试剂盒
Human antimous antibody,HAMA ELISA 人抗鼠抗体(HAMA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Pancreatic caFAinoma markers-CA242 ELISA Kit 人胰腺癌标志物CA242ELISA 试剂盒
Human Podocalyxin,PCX ELISA Kit 人足细胞标记蛋白(PCX)ELISA 试剂盒
Mouse Estradiol,E2 ELISA Kit 小鼠雌二醇(E2)ELISA 试剂盒
Mouse toxic shock syndrome toxin,TSST-1 ELISA Kit 小鼠毒性休克综合征毒素1(TSST-1)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Tumor necrosis factor α,TNF-α ELISA KIT 人肿瘤坏死因子β(TNF-β)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Chlamydia pneumoniae antibody,Cpn-Ab ELISA Kit 人肺炎衣原体抗体(Cpn-Ab)ELISA 试剂盒
Human cadherln-related neuronal receptor1,CNR-1 ELISA Kit 人钙粘蛋白相关的神经受体1(CNR-1)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Legionella pneumophila antigen,LP Ag ELISA Kit 人军团菌抗原(LP Ag)ELISA 试剂盒
Human anti-parotid duct antibody ELISA Kit 人抗腮腺管抗体(anti-parotid duct Ab)ELISA 试剂盒
Human cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen,CLA ELISA Kit 人皮肤淋巴细胞相关抗原(CLA)ELISA 试剂盒
Human killer cell immnoglobulin-like receptor,KIR ELISA Kit 人杀伤细胞免疫球蛋白样受体(KIR)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Plasminogen,Plg ELISA Kit 人纤溶酶原(Plg)ELISA 试剂盒
Human adeno-associated virus,AAV ELISA Kit 人腺相关病毒(AAV)ELISA 试剂盒
Human costimulatory molecules recptor,CMR ELISA Kit 人协同刺激分子受体(CMR)ELISA 试剂盒
Human cardiotrophln 1,CT-1 ELISA Kit 人心肌营养素1(CT-1)ELISA 试剂盒
Human Inhibin,INH ELISA Kit 人抑制素(INH)ELISA 试剂盒
Human progesterone receptor,PGR ELISA Kit 人孕酮受体(PGR)ELISA 试剂盒
Span 60 (Span 60) 司班 60(司盘 60)
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