Shanghai Pitop Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Firmenname:Shanghai Pitop Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Produkte insgesamt:4313


Canine Tumor Necrosis Factor A (TNF-A) Enzyme-linked Immunoassay Kit
Brevundimonas diminuta
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Human CORIN protein (CRN) ELISA kit
CXC-chemokine receptor 2 ELISA Kit
Human CXC-chemokine receptor 3,CXCR3 ELISA Kit
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Human GATA binding protein 5 (GATA5) ELISA kit
Human GTPase activating protein,GAP ELISA Kit
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Human G protein coupled receptor family C5 group member (GPRC5A) ELISA kit
Human IGA FC Fragment Receptor (FCAR) ELISA Kit
Human II Group A Phospholipase A2 (PLA2G2A) ELISA Kit
Human Type III Collagen (COL3) ELISA Kit
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Human Type III Procollagen N-terminal Propeptide (PIIINP) ELISA Kit
Human Type IV Collagen A1 (COL4A1) ELISA Kit
Human Class I Major Histocompatibility Complex G (MHCG) ELISA Kit
Human Type I Collagen (COL1) ELISA Kit
Human type I collagen cross-linked amino terminal peptide (NTXI) ELISA kit
Human type I collagen cross-linked carboxy-terminal peptide (CTXI) ELISA kit
Human Type I Procollagen N-terminal Propeptide (PINP) ELISA Kit
Human MAX Dimerization Protein 1 (MXD1) ELISA Kit
Human NESFATIN 1 protein (NES1) ELISA kit
Human NOD-like receptor9,NLR ELISA Kit
Human RAS homolog gene family member A (RHOA) ELISA kit
Human Reck Protein (RECK) ELISA Kit
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Human S100 Calbindin A2 (S100A2) ELISA Kit
Human S100 Calbindin A8 (S100A8) ELISA Kit
Human SEC23BELISA kit
Human SH2 Carrier Protein (SLP-76) ELISA Kit
Toll-like receptor 2 ELISA Kit
Toll-like receptor 4 ELISA Kit
Human T-complex protein 1螛 subunit (CCT8) ELISA kit
Human T-complex protein 1 subunit E (CCT5) ELISA kit
Human T-complex protein 1 subunit z (CCT6A) ELISA kit
Human T lymphocyte tumor
Human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia associated antigen (TALLA-1) ELISA kit
Human T-cell inducible costimulatory molecule (ICOS) ELISA kit
Human T-cell inducible costimulatory molecular ligand (ICOSLG) ELISA kit
Human T cell specific guanosine triphosphatase (TGTP) ELISA kit
Human V-FOS-FBJ Osteosarcoma Virus Oncogene Homolog (FOS) ELISA Kit
Human Type VIII Collagen A1 (COL8Α1) ELISA Kit
Human Type VII Collagen (COL7) ELISA Kit
Human V-JUN Sarcoma Virus Oncogene Homolog (C-JUN) ELISA Kit
Human Type XVIII Collagen A1 (COL18螒1) ELISA Kit
Human Type X Collagen (COL10) ELISA Kit
Human Group X Phospholipase A2 (PLA2G10) ELISA Kit
Human Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin,AACT ELISA Kit
Human Interferon α,IFN-α ELISA Kit
Human α-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR) ELISA kit
Human Beta Amyloid 40 (A螔40) ELISA Kit
Human Beta Amyloid 42 (A螔42) ELISA Kit
Human Α Actin (Α ACTIN) ELISA kit
Human B-tubulin (TUBB) ELISA kit
Human 螕1 Actin (ACTG1) ELISA Kit
Human Γ Interferon (IFN-Γ) Antibody ELISA Kit
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Human Oncoprotein Inducible Transcript 3 (OIT3) ELISA Kit
Human Octamer Binding Transcription Factor 4 (OCT4) ELISA Kit
Human Interleukin 10 Receptor B (IL10RB) ELISA Kit
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