Jiangsu Jinkai Resin Chemical Co., Ltd회사는 제품 목록을 제공합니다.

회사 명:Jiangsu Jinkai Resin Chemical Co., Ltd
전화:18036815998 0515-84382671
URL: www.sinoiex.com
총 제품 수:151
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제품 카탈로그

PWD871 powder resin
001X8H styrene gel cation exchange resin
PWD981 powder resin
Pharmaceutical biochemical resin
inert resin
JKD108 special resin for water treatment
201X2 styrene gel anion exchange resin
AS600 Chelating Resin
BAHG Chelating Resin
BMAH Chelating Resin
CHA chromatography separation resin
D201 styrene macroporous strong base anion exchange resin
UP181 ultrapure water resin
PC801 Pharmaceutical Biochemical Resin
Weak base anion exchange resin
D301 styrene macroporous weak base anion exchange resin
MB151 mixed bed resin
JKD406 special resin for water treatment
AD202 adsorption resin
AT121H color changing resin
AMBERLITE(R) IRC-50앰버라이트IRC-509002-29-3C23H37Cl2N3O
Chromatographic separation resin
BMCC chelate resin
NR873 in addition to natural radioactive resin
PC841OH Pharmaceutical Biochemical Resin
PM401 hydrometallurgical resin
Chelating resin
D002H styrene macroporous cation exchange resin
D001H styrene macroporous cation exchange resin
JK003 condensate polishing resin
Condensate polishing resin
Water treatment special resin
001X7S styrenic gel cation exchange resin
AD302 adsorption resin
BD600 biodiesel resin
D764 acrylic macroporous strong base anion exchange resin
JK122H styrene gel cation exchange resin
BD900 biodiesel resin
CD-11DRY Catalytic Resin
MB101 mixed bed resin
NRM91 in addition to natural radioactive resin
Macroporous weak base anion exchange resin
Biodiesel resin
Hydrometallurgical resin
B800 biodiesel resin
BIP-1 inert resin
A765 acrylic gel weak base anion exchange resin
Acrylic gel strong base anion exchange resin
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