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上海百生跃生物科技有限公司 Company Information

Company Name:    bioleaper
Tel:    -
Nationality:    China
Product List:    5616
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Product List
Agarose Precast(3%,8wells,6*6cm,5mm,TBE)
Agarose Precast(3%,8wells,6*6cm,5mm,TAE)
Tris-Glycine Precast Gel(8-20%,15 wells,1.0mm,Plastic)
6M RNase-free and DNase-free sodium hydroxide solution
Mast Cells Stain Solution(Toluidine Blue Method)
Melanin staining solution (ferrous sulfate method)
Carbonate fuchsin stain
Acid ethanol differentiation solution (1%)
Modified Masson Tricolor Staining Solution
Sperm Vitality Detection Solution (Eosin Method)
Alexander Stain
Diff-Quik Stain
Davidson's fixative
Plank-Rychlo Decalcified Solution
Agarose Precast(1%,8wells,6*6cm,5mm,5×MOPS,RNase free)
Nuclei Extraction Buffer
Latex gloves
Standard Lugeshi staining (Lugol's iodine solution, 1%)
Russell modified Movat color colored dye
WBC Dilution
Safranine O Cartilage Stain Solution
Confocal petri dishes
Agarose Precast(3%,15wells,10*10cm,5mm,TBE)
Agarose Precast(3%,8wells,6*6cm,5mm,TAE,RNase free)
Tissue Fixative(10% NBF)
TTC Stain(1%)
EDTA Decalcified Solution
Sperm Morphology Stain Kit(Diff-Quik Method)
Mouse ADMA Elisa
Mouse h-FABP Elisa
Paneth cell staining solution (Lendrum's fluorescent rosette tartaria method)
1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol 920-66-1
Acid-Fast Bacillus(AFB)Stain Kit(Ziehl-Neelsen’s Method)
Alcian Blue Periodic Acid-Schiff Staining
Sperm Counting Solution(with Trypan Blue)
Eosin Staining Solution (import、water soluble)
Glutaraldehyde,2.5%(EM Grade)
Methenamine Silver Plating Staining For Basement Membranes
Citrate Phosphate Buffer(0.2M,pH3.0)
Alkaline Phophatase Stain (Modified Gomori Ca-CoS Method)
Prussian Blue Iron Staining Solution (With Nuclear Fast Red)
Enhanced Gram stain
Mallory's Phosphotungstic Acid Hematoxylin Stain Kit(PTAH Chemical Oxidation)
Sucrose 57-50-1
Oil Red O Staining Solution(For Cultured Cells)
Carnoy's Fixative
Streptavidin Agarose 9013-20-1
Agarose Precast(3%,8wells,6*6cm,5mm TBE,RNase free)
Tissue Fixative(4% PFA)
Alcian Blue Cartilage Staining, pH 1.0
Scott TapWater/Bluing
TTC Stain (2%)
Eosinophil dilution
GUS Stain Kit,Ready-To-Use
Cell Staining Buffer
Yeast protein extraction reagent
Elastic Fiber Staining Solution (Verheff Method)
Acid phosphatase stain kit (lead nitrate method)
Modified Lillie-Mayer Hematoxylin Staining Solution
StarDirect Mouse HiFi PCR Kit
Acetocarmine Solution
Glycogen Periodic Acid-Schiff Staining
Modified Harris' Hematoxylin Stain Solution
Acid ethanol differentiation solution (0.5%)
Tris-EDTA antigen retrieval solution(10×,pH9.5)
Brilliant Cresyl Blue solution
Buffer EB
Reticulin Staining Solution (Gomori Sliver Method)
10ul Tips
Eosin Y Alcoholic Solution,0.5%
200ul Tips
Amphotericin B Solution
LB sterile liquid medium
Agarose Precast(1%,15wells,10*10cm,5mm,5×MOPS,RNase free)
Lignin staining solution (resorcinol method)
Weigert iron hematoxylin stain
Luxol Fast Blue Staining Solution
Nissl Stain Kit (Cresyl Violet Method)
Wright-Giemsa Stain Solution
Platelet dilution
Elastic Fiber Staining Solution (Aldehyde-Fuchsin Method)
Green Tissue Fixative (ready-to-use)
Sperm Morphology Staining Solution (Papanicolaou Method)
Urate Stain Kit(Sternheimer-Malbin Method)
Cartilage staining solution (Alixin blue method, pH 2.5)
Crystal Violet Ammonium Oxalate Solution, 0.4%
Modified Gomori trichrome stain
Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG H&L / HRP antibody
Tissue Fixative(10% FA)
Modified Oil Red O Staining Solution
Virus Inclusion Body Staining Solution (Methylene Blue and Eosin Method)
Goldner Trichrome Stain
Alcian Blue Cartilage Staining, pH 2.5
Congo Red Staining Solution, 1%
Erythrocyte dilution
Sperm Vitality Detection Solution (HOS Method)
Prussian Blue Iron Staining Solution (For Cells)
Calcium Staining Solution (Von Kossa Method)
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