山东中煤工矿物资集团有限公司 公司信息

公司名称: 山东中煤工矿物资集团有限公司
电话: 400-0860537
网址: www.chemicalbook.com/ShowSupplierProductsList18368/0.htm
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Susheng 苏生器
Gas sealant 瓦斯封口剂
Biogas steam separator 沼气汽水分离器
Executive agency 执行机构
Pressure self-rescue system 压风自救系统
Water injection sealer 注水封孔器
Hit without pressure damper rod 撞杆式无压风门
Drilling depth detector 钻孔深度检测仪
Circular chain hydraulic shear 圆环链液压剪
Grouting sealer 注浆封孔器
Automatic watering and dust reduction device 自动洒水降尘装置
Self-rescuer 自救器
Hydraulic road tamping machine 液压道岔捣固机
NF call check machine NF来电查话机
Vacuum rubber sheet 真空橡胶板
Cast iron roll 铸铁地辊
Grab grab 抓岩机抓斗
P50 rubber pad P50橡胶垫板
PZ-7B mining sprayer PZ-7B矿用喷浆机
QBZ mine explosion-proof vacuum reversible electromagnetic starter QBZ矿用隔爆型真空可逆电磁起动器
Sprinkler RFMH overtemperature RFMH超温洒水装置
WM-BS damper lock WM-BS风门闭锁器
Y41-100T single column hydraulic press Y41-100T单柱液压机
YBT-2.2 mine explosion-proof axial flow fan YBT-2.2矿用隔爆型轴流式通风机
YFFB flat cable YFFB扁电缆
The vertical YZ type liquid slurry pump YZ型液下立式渣浆泵
ZB-127 mine explosion-proof and intrinsically safe (expanded) speaker ZB-127矿用隔爆兼本安型(扩播)音箱
ZCP-2F shearer secondary negative pressure dust reducer ZCP-2F型采煤机二次负压降尘装置
ZGS-450127V electric chain saws Diamond ZGS-450127V电动金刚石链锯
ZHS1220 explosion-proof digital camera ZHS1220防爆数码照相机
ZSPB-5 explosion-proof wet spray machine ZSPB-5防爆湿喷机
Semi-automatic bridge type DMJ-I lychee machine 半自动桥式DMJ-I荔枝面机
Refuge door 避难硐室门
Warehouse wall vibrator 仓壁振动器
Cordless electric grinder 充电式电磨机
Degreasing and degreasing agent 除胶除油剂
Scheduling a program-controlled switch 调度程控交换机
Carbon dioxide adsorbent 二氧化碳吸附剂
Explosion-proof motors 防爆电机
Three-phase asynchronous DSB motor 三相异步DSB电动机
Gas anti-wind door 瓦斯防突风门
High pressure type lamp protector 耐高压型矿灯保护器
BAJ52 explosion-proof emergency light BAJ52防爆应急灯
BAL mine explosion-proof combo bell BAL矿用隔爆型连击电铃
BH66 fire extinguishing hydraulic pump station BH66防灭火液压泵站
BW-600 mud pump BW-600泥浆泵
Handheld three-headed chisel 手持式三头凿毛机
Manual nut cutter 手动螺母切割器
Portable explosion-proof searchlight 手提式防爆探照灯
rubber Board 橡胶板
Fire-extinguishing foam powder agent 泡沫灭火剂
Belt conveyor comprehensive insurance 皮带机综保
DBB-200 plating box DBB-200电镀表箱
DGC175 explosion-proof flood light DGC175防爆投光灯
DGY12/24L flameproof lighting signal light DGY12/24L隔爆型照明信号灯
DZ welding intermediate electromagnetic relay DZ焊接式中间电磁继电器
Pneumatic tamping machine 气动捣固机
Pressure control cabinet 压风控制柜
FLJ400 pneumatic chain saw FLJ400风动链锯
GQ-150 pipe dredging machine GQ-150管道疏通机
GY-KY intelligent digital anti-noise amplified telephone GY-KY智能型数字抗噪声扩音电话
HDB-2 explosion-proof telephone HDB-2防爆电话机
HQL-18 concrete pavement cutting machine HQL-18型混凝土路面切割机
JZC concrete mixer JZC混凝土搅拌机
KCS mining wet dust removal fan KCS矿用湿式除尘风机
KDW flameproof power supply KDW隔爆电源
KTH1C flameproof magnet phone KTH1C隔爆型磁石式电话机
oxygen cylinder 氧气瓶
LBD series explosion-proof electric heating repair vulcanizer LBD系列防爆电热式修补硫化机
LKJ split type hydraulic ring chain cutter LKJ分体式液压圆环链切断器
Water level sensor 水位传感器
Pressure self-rescue device 压风自救装置
MA306A-33 intermediate relay MA306A-33中间继电器
MBAJ52 series explosion-proof emergency light MBAJ52系列防爆应急灯
Anti-chaining 防倒链
Popular 风镐
Sealing bag 封孔袋
Sealing agent 封孔剂
Desiccant 干燥剂
Fixed permanent self-rescue equipment 固定式永久性自救装备
Pipeline detector 管路探测仪
Track deceleration 轨道减速顶
Lengthened sleeve 加长套筒
Wired locomotive 架线式电机车
Monitoring and monitoring system 监测监控系统
Shock absorbing rubber sheet 减震橡胶板
Dust-reducing agent 降尘剂
Emergency avoidance system 紧急避险系统
Rotatable wireless remote search light 可旋转型无线遥控搜索灯
Fast ash analyzer 快速灰分测定仪
Mine ZYJ pressure self-rescuer 矿井ZYJ压风自救器
Communication System for Mine Disaster Relief 矿井救灾通信系统
Mine screen 矿筛筛网
Mine IP telephone communication system 矿用IP电话通信系统
Mining steel wire skeleton polyethylene composite pipe 矿用钢丝骨架聚乙烯复合管
Mine monitoring and monitoring system computer cable 矿用监测监控系统计算机用电缆
Mine monitoring and control system switch 矿用监测监控系统交换机
Mine two-way pull type emergency stop switch 矿用双向拉线式急停开关
Mine pressure control box 矿用压风控制箱
Mine DC line automatic stop power switch 矿用直流架线自动停送电开关
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