广州吉妮欧生物科技有限公司 公司信息

公司名称: 广州吉妮欧生物科技有限公司
电话: 020-29185636
网址: https://www.jennio-bio.com/


Long toxicity test 长毒实验
API safety assessment 原料药安评
Preclinical experiment of biological drugs 生物药临床前实验
Preclinical evaluation of ophthalmic drugs 眼科药物临床前评价
Experiment of drugs on mold 药物对霉菌的实验
Drug experiment for testing water hardness 检测水硬度药物实验
Preclinical safety evaluation 临床前安全性评价
Health efficacy test 保健药效试验
Cosmetics safety testing 化妆品安全性检测
Ebtr (nbl-4) bovine embryonic trachea cells EBTr (NBL-4)牛胚气管细胞
BAEC bovine aortic endothelial cells BAEC牛主动脉内皮细胞
Safety evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine compound 中药复方安评
Preclinical experiment of diabetes 糖尿临床前实验
Evaluation of adverse drug reactions 药物不良反应评价
Drug efficacy and safety evaluation 药物功效与安全性评价
Acute toxicity test 急毒实验
Preclinical study of hepatotoxicity 肝脏毒性临床前研究
Preclinical immunogenicity test 临床前免疫原性实验
Preclinical trials of Alzheimer's drugs 阿尔茨海默症药物临床前实验
VX2 VX2细胞
Pharmacodynamic evaluation cell experiment 药效评价细胞实验
Detection of active substances in traditional Chinese medicine 中药活性物质检测
Preclinical experiment of small molecule drugs 小分子药物临床前实验
Safety evaluation of anti-inflammatory drugs 消炎药安全评价
Preclinical study of polypeptide drugs 多肽类药物临床前研究
Preclinical trials of innovative drugs 创新药临床前实验
Preclinical efficacy evaluation of antitumor drugs 抗肿瘤药物临床前药效评价
Efficacy and safety evaluation of nano drugs 纳米药物有效性与安全性评价
VX2 rabbit swelling cells VX2兔肿细胞
GIK grass carp kidney cell line GIK草鱼肾细胞系
Safety evaluation of API 原料药安全性评价
Preclinical trials of inhibitors 抑制剂临床前实验
Safety evaluation of topical drugs 皮肤外用药安全性评价
Drug synthesis and efficacy evaluation 药物合成与药效评价
Detection and evaluation of drug toxicity 药物毒性检测评价
Poison attack experiment 攻毒实验
Safety evaluation and detection of oral drugs 口服药物安全性评价检测
Targeted efficacy evaluation experiment 靶向药效评价实验
Safety evaluation of cosmetics 化妆品安全性评价
Frhk-4 rhesus monkey embryonic kidney cells FRhK-4恒河猴胚肾细胞
HT22 hippocampal neuron cell line HT22海马神经元细胞系
Safety evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine compound 中药材复方安评
Preclinical study of natural drugs 天然药物临床前研究
Drug targeting research and efficacy evaluation 药物靶向研究与药效评价
Antimicrobial activity test 药物抗菌活性测试
Efficacy evaluation of Huoxue ointment 活血膏功效评价
Preclinical evaluation of chemical drugs 化学药物临床前评价
Target efficacy evaluation experiment 靶点药效评价实验
GLP preclinical research institute glp临床前研究机构
Detection of active substances in Chinese herbal medicine 中草药活性物质检测
Efficacy evaluation of new drugs 新药药效评价
Bacterial toxicity test 细菌毒性测定实验
Short term efficacy test 短期药效试验
Toxicological toxicity test 毒理毒性实验
Preclinical evaluation of anti depressant drugs 抗抑有药物临床前评价
Preclinical spinal cord experiment 临床前脊髓实验
Bend bovine cell BEND牛细胞
Drug safety evaluation 药物 安全性评价
Preclinical experiment of analgesic drugs 镇痛药物临床前实验
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese medicine 中药功效与安全性评价
Preclinical evaluation of reproductive drugs 生殖药物临床前评价
Preclinical safety evaluation of cell therapy 细胞治疗临床前安全评价
Drug efficacy evaluation and detection 药物功效评价检测
Safety evaluation of polypeptide drugs 多肽药物安全性评价
Preclinical experiment of antibody drugs 抗体药临床前实验
Preclinical myocardial toxicity test 临床前心肌毒性实验
HT22 Cells 海马神经元细胞系
GNM maxillary gingiva GNM上颌牙龈
F81 cat kidney cells F81猫肾细胞
IPEC-J2 猪小肠上皮细胞
Drug stability evaluation 药物稳定性评价
In vitro cell experiment drug concentration 体外细胞实验药物浓度
Safety evaluation of natural drugs 天然药物安全评价
New drug evaluation scheme 新药评价方案
Evaluation of drug active ingredients 药物活性成分评价
Preclinical evaluation of antiviral drug development 抗病毒药物研发临床前评价
Preclinical evaluation / study of compounds 化合物临床前评价/研究
Safety pharmacological experiment 安全药理实验
Cosmetic safety assessment 化妆品安全性评估
CV-1 African green monkey kidney cells CV-1 非洲绿猴肾细胞
IPEC-J2 Cells 猪小肠上皮细胞
Efficacy test of Chinese herbal medicine 中草药功效检测
New drug safety evaluation 新药安评
Drug raw material testing 药品原料检测
Efficacy evaluation of polysaccharide drugs 多糖药物药效评价
Protein drug evaluation 蛋白类药物评价
Safety evaluation of anesthetics 麻醉药安全性评价
Preclinical in vivo experiment 临床前体内实验
B95-8 marmoset EBV leukocytes B95-8绒猴EBV白细胞
Long term efficacy test 长期药效试验
Preclinical evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine health products 中药健康产品临床前评价
Safety evaluation of biopharmaceutical 生物制药安全性评价
Cell proliferation inhibition test 细胞增殖抑制实验
Detection of drug side effects 药物副作用检测
Preclinical evaluation of macromolecular drugs 大分子药物临床前评价
Safety evaluation of antibiotics 抗菌药物安全性评价
Endothelial cell proliferation test 内皮细胞增殖实验
Ipec-j2 porcine intestinal epithelial cells IPEC-J2猪肠上皮细胞
H69 small cell H69小细胞
DF-1 chicken embryo fibroblast DF-1鸡胚成纤维细胞
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