Shanghai Aolu Biological Technology Co., Ltd.회사는 제품 목록을 제공합니다.

회사 명:Shanghai Aolu Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
전화:021-38238397 15900816646
총 제품 수:4539

제품 카탈로그

Carboxymethylcellulose solution (CMC, 1%)
Glucose-6-phosphatase staining solution (lead method)
PLP fixative
Melanin staining solution (ferrous sulfate method)
Sudan IV staining solution-A solution
Methyl green staining solution (1%)
Stone carbonate red dyeing solution
Oxalic acid aqueous solution (1%)C2H2O4
Electrophoresis grade orange yellow G solution (1%)
In situ hybridization AB developer
Protein Fast Silver Stain Kit
LB solid medium powder
Acetylcholinesterase staining solution (lead copper thiocholine method)
Saponification fluid
Acridine orange fluorescent staining kit
Mucus card red staining solution
DEAE-DEXTRAN Cell Transfection Kit
TBS-glucose solution
Nissl Staining Solution (Methylene Blue)
Endogenous Avidin-Biotin Blocking Kit
SDS, 10%(w/v) solution
APATHY sugar seal tablets
Glycogen PAS staining solution (cell-specific)
Ethanol-formalin-acetic acid fixative
Ammonium ferric sulfate solution (2%)FeH4NO8S2
Modified BARTH solution (containing calcium)
Acid phosphatase staining solution (azo coupling method)
Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining solution
Sodium bisulfite solution (1%)HNaO3S
Neural HRP tracer coloring solution (DAB method)
Acid Α-naphthyl acetate esterase staining solution (ANAE method)
Bromophenol Blue
Atg5 Antibody
Phosphate buffer salt powder (1 × PBS, no calcium and magnesium)
M9 basic medium
HEPES Lysis Buffer
CARNOY fixative
Mucin staining solution (mild methylation)
Sudan III alcohol saturated solution
Silver nitrate developer (A method)
Quick Antigen Retrieval Solution forFrozen Sections(5x)
ELISA coating buffer (1×)
Formalin-calcium acetate fixative (10%)
Toluidine Blue O Cartilage Stain solution
Acid ferric chloride reagent
Microfilament staining solution (R250 method)
Nuclear protein extraction kit
Aqueous acetic acid solution (1%)
LNCaP clone FGC
Phosphate buffered saline solution (1 × PBS, no calcium and magnesium)O4P-3
Xylene FF solution (1%)C8H10
ACK red blood cell lysate (ACK LYSIS BUFFER)
Sudan Black B staining solution
DMSO (PCR grade)
Sodium metabisulfite solution (100×)Na
Glycogen PAS stain (for fungi)
Adipose tissue fixative
B16/mouse melanoma cells
Sodium carbonate lotion (10%)
Acid phosphatase staining solution (lead nitrate method)
T4 DNA ligase buffer (10×)
Acetate gel buffer (4×)
Li Chunhong S staining solution (1×PONCEAU S)
SDS cell lysate
Peroxidase staining solution (benzidine method)
Hepatitis B virus staining solution (GOMORI aldehyde magenta method)
H9C2(2-1) rat cardiomyocytes
LC3B Antibody
NCI-N87 [N87]
Gelatin aqueous solution (2%, PCR grade)
DNA-EZ Reagents W EB-Be-Gone
Primary Antibody Dilution Buffer for Western Blot
Biuret protein quantification kit
Nuclear protein and cytoplasmic protein extraction kit
Methanol-acetic acid fixative (3:1)
Silver nitrate aqueous solution (5%)AgNO3
Basic Fuchsin Solution, 1%
Immunostaining primary antibody dilution
Alkaline Sepharose Electrophoresis Buffer (10×)
Diphenylamine reagent (1%)C12H11N
TAFE Gel Electrophoresis Buffer (10×)
D-HANKS balanced salt powder (1×, with phenol red)
PhyCell Cell Freezing Liquid
Acetamide methoxybenzene
Acid-resistant dyeing solution (modified KINYOUN cold dyeing method)
MOPS Electrophoresis Buffer Powder (1×)
CTAB Extract Solution
Skimmed Milk Powder
DAB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Kit
Neutral red staining solution (for live cells)
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