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北京易科拜德科技有限公司 Company Information

Company Name:    Beijing Yikebaide Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel:    010-80700640
Nationality:    CHINA
Product List:    3257
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Product List
Rat basic fibroblast growth factor 9,bFGF-9 ELISA Kit
rat growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH ELISA Kit
Rat High density lipoprotein,HDL ELISA Kit
Rat leukemia inhibitory factor,LIF ELISA Kit
Rat macrophage inflammatory protein 5,MIP-5 ELISA Kit
Rat malondialchehyche,MDA ELISA Kit
Rat thyroxine,T4 ELISA Kit
Rat hepaticlipase,HL ELISA Kit
Rat thyroxine,T4 ELISA Kit
Rat granzymes B,Gzms-B ELISA Kit
Rat Erythropoietin receptor,EPOR ELISA Kit
Rat iduronate sulfatase,IDS ELISA Kit
Rat Interleukin 6,IL-6 ELISA KIT
Rat phospho-inhibitory subunit of NF-κBα,pIKBα ELISA kit
Rat Soluble Cluster of differentiation 40 ligand,sCD40L ELISA Kit
Rat alkaline phosphatase,ALP ELISA Kit
Rat catecholamine,CA ELISA Kit
rat Estradiol receptor,ER ELISA Kit
Rat Calcitonin,CT ELISA Kit
Rat Desmin,Des ELISA Kit
Rat antimicrobial peptide LL-37 (LL-37) ELISA kit
Rat dopamine transporter,DAT ELISA Kit
Rat rudimental bovine serum albumin check-up ELISA Kit
Rat soluble Vascuolar cell adhesion molecule 1,sVCAM-1 ELISA Kit
Rat apoptosis inducing factor,AIF ELISA Kit
Rat thyroid sodium iodine transporter (NIS) ELISA kit
Rat telomerase,TE ELISA Kit
Rat methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 (MSSRB1) ELISA kit
Rat peroxisome proliferators activator receptors alpha,PPAR-α ELISA Kit
Rat melanocyte antibody,MC Ab ELISA Kit
Rat Bladder tumor antigen,BTA ELISA Kit
Rat complement factor H,CFH ELISA Kit
Rat Anti-myocardial antibody,AMA ELISA Kit
Rat Anti-trypsin,AT ELISA Kit
Rat Phospholipidase A2,PL-A2 ELISA Kit
associated protein A,SP-A ELISA Kit
Rat Cytosolic Phospholipase A2,cPLA2 ELISA Kit
Rat Interleukin 10,IL-10 ELISA KIT
Rat Interleukin 16,IL-16 ELISA KIT
Rat muscarinic acetylcholine receptor,M-AChR ELISA Kit
Rat Osteoprotegerin Ligand,OPGL ELISA Kit
Rat soluble interleukin-2 receptor,IL-2sRα ELISA kit
Rat Testoterone,T ELISA Kit
Rat cholesterol,CH ELISA Kit
Rat estrogen,E ELISA Kit
Rat Leukotriene B4,LT-B4 ELISA Kit
Rat leukocyte differentiation antigen 44 (CD44) ELISA kit
Rat Myosin ELISA Kit
Rat Leptospira IgG,Lep IgG ELISA Kit
Rat soluble Interleukin 2 recepter,IL-2sR ELISA Kit
Rat monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA kit
Rat Cyclic guanosine monophosphate,cGMP ELISA Kit
Rat Calretinin,CR ELISA Kit
Rat Thyroid Stimulating Hormone,TSH ELISA Kit
Rat leukotriene E4,LT-E4 ELISA Kit
Rat resistin (RESISTIN) ELISA kit
Rat soluble cluster of differentiation 14,sCD14 ELISA Kit
Rat soluble E-selectin,sE-selectin ELISA Kit
Rat tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like and EGF-like domains 2,Tie-2 ELISA kit
Rat creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK-MB) ELISA kit
Rat proliferating cell nuclear antigen antibody,PCNA ELISA Kit
Rat calmodulin,CAM ELISA Kit
Rat epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR ELISA Kit
Rat Factor-related Apoptosis ligand,FASL ELISA Kit
Rat Interleukin 11,IL-11 ELISA KIT
Rat luteotropic hormone,LH ELISA Kit
Rat anti-Thyroid-Peroxidase antibody,TPO-Ab ELISA Kit
Rat Hexokinase,HK ELISA Kit
Rat Protein Phosphatase,PP ELISA Kit
Rat basic fibroblast growth factor 6,bFGF-6 ELISA Kit
Rat soluble P-selectin,sP-selectin ELISA Kit
Rat Thioredoxin,Trx ELISA Kit
Rat Cyclosporine A,CsA ELISA Kit
Rat diamine oxidase,DAO ELISA Kit
Rat Collagenase Type II ELISA Kit
Rat calcineurin,CaN ELISA Kit
Rat calmodulin,CAM ELISA Kit
Rat cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP ELISA Kit
Rat Cyclosporine A,CsA ELISA Kit
Rat Estradiol,E2 ELISA Kit
Rat Leptin Soluble Receptor,sLR ELISA Kit
Rat Stem Cell Factor Receptor,SCFR ELISA kit
Rat cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP ELISA Kit
Rat Azidothymidine,AZT ELISA Kit
Rat Estradiol,E2 ELISA Kit
Rat catecholamine,CA ELISA Kit
Rat dopamine D2 receptor,D2R ELISA Kit
Rat Erythropoietin,EPO ELISA Kit
Rat glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor,GDNF ELISA KIT
Rat lymphocyte factor ELISA Kit
Rat Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein,PTHrP ELISA Kit
Rat creatine kinase (CK) ELISA kit
Amylase rats (AMS) ELISA kit
Rat methylase (METHYLASE) ELISA kit
Rat Low Density Lipoprotein Immune Complex (LDL-IC) ELISA Kit
Rat xanthine oxidase ELISA kit
Rat Complement 4,C4 ELISA Kit
Rat anti-endothelial cell antibody,AECA ELISA Kit
Rat soluble Toll-like receptor 6,sTLR-6 ELISA Kit
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