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Shanghai Bingqing Biological Technology Co., Ltd. 企業の連絡先情報

名前:Shanghai Bingqing Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
電話番号:021-59775573 18017008575


human adrencocorticotropic hormone,ACTH ELISA Kit
LX2 cells
Human tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b,TRACP-5b ELISA Kit
Human Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor,VEGF ELISA KIT
Human Free Thyroxine,FT4 ELISA Kit
Human Complement 7,C7 ELISA Kit
Human proteinase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,PR3-ANCA ELISA Kit
Human anti-cytomegalovirus IgG antibody,anti-CMV IgG ELISA Kit
Human thrombomodulin,TM ELISA Kit
Human Heparanase,HPA ELISA kit
Balb/3T3 Cell
Human Creatine Kinase MB isoenzyme,CK-MB ELISA Kit
Human Abnormal prothrombin,APT ELISA Kit
Rat cytochrome P450,CYP450 ELISA Kit
Rat Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
Human 6-keto-prostaglandin,6-K-PG ELISA Kit
Human anti-IgE receptor antibody ELISA Kit
Human Anti-Ovary Antibody,AOAb ELISA Kit
Human dynorphin,Dyn ELISA Kit
Human Cyclin-dependent kinase 4,CDK-4 ELISA Kit
Human Soluble protein-100,S-100 ELISA Kit
Human Epidermal growth factor,EGF ELISA Kit
Pulmonary Fibroblasts Cells
Mouse carbonic anhydrase,CA ELISA Kit
Rat urokinase,UK ELISA Kit
Creatine Phosphokinaseクレアチンキナーゼ9001-15-4NULL
Human Interleukin 1β converting enzyme,ICE ELISA Kit
Human Adenosine diphosphate,ADP ELISA Kit
Human phosphoglycerate mutase 2,PGAM2 ELISA Kit
Human Retinol binding protein 4,RBP-4 ELISA Kit
Human aconitase 2,ACO-2 ELISA Kit
Human Insulin Receptor β,ISR-β ELISA KIT
Mouse high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein,hs-CRP ELISA Kit
Porcine Histamine,HIS ELISA Kit
Human 17-Hydroxyprogesterone,17-OHP ELISA Kit
Human Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein C,SP-C ELISA Kit
Human Nuclear matrix protein 22,NMP-22 ELISA Kit
Human Thromboxane A2,TX-A2 ELISA Kit
Human melanocyte antibody,MC Ab ELISA Kit
human anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,cANCA ELISA Kit
Human keratan sulfate,KS ELISA Kit
Rat Fatty acyl-CoA synthetase,ACS ELISA Kit
Human peptidoglycan,PG ELISA Kit
Human Lactate Dehydrogenase,LDH ELISA Kit
Human circulating immune complex,CIC ELISA Kit
Human Umbilical: Normal Umbilical Vein Smooth Muscle Cells
Human deoxyuridinetriphate,DUTP ELISA Kit
Human platelet membrane glycoprotein Ⅳ,GP-Ⅳ ELISA Kit
Human CA724 ELISA Kit
Human rudimental bovine serum albumin check-up ELISA Kit
Human phospho Protein Kinase C,P-PKC ELISA Kit
Human Calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase,CIAP ELISA Kit
Human human lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2,HLAMP-2 ELISA Kit
Porcine telomerase,TE ELISA Kit
Human Linker for activation of T cell,LAT ELISA Kit
Human dopamine-β-hydroxylase,DBH ELISA Kit
Human pleiotrophin,PTN ELISA Kit
Human anti-Bullous Pemphigoid 180 antibody,BP180-Ab ELISA Kit
Human anti-hepatitis C virus antibody (ANTI-HCV) ELISA KIT
Human anti-presynaptic membrane antibody,PsmAb ELISA Kit
Human Phosphorylated adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase,AMPK ELISA kit
Mouse α-Glucosidase,a-Glu ELISA Kit
Human muscarinic acetylcholine receptor,M-AChR ELISA Kit
Human prothrombin fragment 1+2,F1+2 ELISA kit
Human Dehydroepiandrosterone S7,DHEA-S7 ELISA Kit
Human Anti-phosphatidyl serine antibody,APSA ELISA Kit
Humanγ-glutamyl systeine synthetase,γ-ECS ELISA Kit
Human protein kinase B,PKB ELISA Kit
Human leukocyte antigen A,HLA-A ELISA Kit
Human Cyclin-dependent kinase 7,CDK-7 ELISA Kit
Human Hya]uronate binding protein,HABP ELISA Kit
Human erythrocyte membrane protein,EMP ELISA Kit
Human glucose oxidase,GOD ELISA Kit
Human Leukotriene B4,LT-B4 ELISA Kit
Human Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase,FDA ELISA Kit
Human Sc1-70 Antibody,Sc1-70-Ab ELISA Kit
Mouse A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 9,ADAM9 ELISA Kit
Human 28S ribosome RNP antibody,28S rRNP ELISA Kit
Human α mannosidase,α Manase ELISA Kit
Human arabinogalactan proteins,AGPs ELISA Kit
Human mitotic spindle apparatus antibody,MSA ELISA Kit
Human chondroitin sulfate,CS ELISA Kit
Human Bromodeoxyuridine,BrdU ELISA Kit
Human islet cell antibody,ICA ELISA Kit
Human histon-H2b ELISA Kit
Human anti-Actin antibody,AAA ELISA Kit
Human Cyclic guanosine monophosphate,cGMP ELISA Kit
Human anti-glycoprotein antibody,GP ELISA Kit
Human cytokeratin 20,CK20 ELISA Kit
Mouse lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2,Lp-PL-A2 ELISA Kit
Human Bone morphogenetic protein 4,BMP-4 ELISA Ki
Human Thyroglobulin,TG ELISA Kit
Human A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 9,ADAM9 ELISA Kit
Human anti-thrombin receptor,ATR ELISA Kit
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