Bio-chemical plants around the city of Shijiazhuang City회사는 제품 목록을 제공합니다.

회사 명:Bio-chemical plants around the city of Shijiazhuang City
전화:86-0311-87675588 87675688
총 제품 수:63

제품 카탈로그

Alkali shrinkage penetrant ZS-97
Defoamers BX-501
Softener LD-5030
Melting wax A
Formaldehyde-free adhesive CS-4050
Softener LD-5050
Coaking aid
Softener LD-50
Anti-migration agent LE-500F
Formaldehyde-free resin
Leveling agent LE-850
Bath anti-wrinkle agent ZS-99D
Blend amino acids powder
Degreaser ZS-100
Softener LD-30
Waterproof coating agent HT-01
Easy softening softener LD-20
Aspartic acid calcium saltC4H5CaNO4
Cysteamine hydrochloride2-멜캅토에틸아민 수화염화물156-57-0C2H8ClNS
Amino silicone milk
Sanding softener LD-10
Aldehyde-free crosslinker LE-750
Wet fastness enhancer DR-100H
HY-04 crosslinker
Nonionic softener LD-6000
Stiffening agent
Cleaning agent CP-01
Oil removal agent
Leveling agent
Magnesium L-aspartate2068-80-6C4H5MgNO4
High temperature leveling agent LE-950
Potassium L-aspartate다이포타슘아스파테이트14007-45-5C4H8KNO4
Formaldehyde trapping agent CF-1CH2O
L-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate염산 L-시스테인 모노수화물7048-04-6C3H10ClNO3S
Polymeric dispersant
Sodium L-aspartateL-아스파라긴산나트륨3792-50-5C4H8NNaO4
Softener LD-5030B
Paint printing thickener CS-4000
Reactive dyes printing thickener CS-5000
Aldehyde-free fixing agent DR-100
Softener LD-5020
Wet fastness enhancer DR-100A
Multifunctional scouring agent 220A
Softener LD-6520
Scouring agent
Hydrophilic softener C
Softener LD-40
Hydrophilic amino silicone oil
Anti-wrinkle agent
Paint Printing Adhesive CS-4045
Alkali reduction accelerator LE-600
Anionic softener LD-7015
Softener LD-6040
Non-iron resin finishing agent
Modified amino silicone oil
Repair agent LE-980
Hydrogen peroxide high efficiency stabilizer
Softener LD-45
Sanding softener LD-10C
High temperature defoamer BX-502
Paint Printing Adhesive CS-9000A
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