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杭州杰韦化工有限公司 Company Information

Company Name:    Hangzhou Jie Chemical Co.
Tel:    86-571-85870023 85183235
Nationality:    China
Product List:    61

Product List
Mercerized penetrant
Chemical fiber moisture absorbing finishing agent
Reduced penetrant
Elastic fluffing agent P
Acidic repair agent
Soy fiber bleach
Fibrillation agent
Waterborne polyurethane
Hygroscopic finishing agent
Chitin finishing agent RSP
Elastic fluffing agent
Refined enzyme
Net antibacterial agent mycophenolate g
reducing agent
SB-30 plastic antibacterial agent
Anti-wrinkle lubricant
Dye leveller for cotton
Precipitation inhibitor
Smoothing agent
Gloss improver
Hydrophilic smoothing agent
Acrylic stripping agent
Flame retardant LAT
Anti-wrinkle fluffing agent
Stripping agent
Desizing agent
Anti-pilling pilling agent CLS
Chlorine fastness fixing agent
Mercerized wool smoothing softener
Antifouling soap lotion
Hygroscopic and Soil Release Finishing Agent
Rohm and Haas Plastic Antibacterial Agent SB-1
Reducing lotion
Cleaning agent
Alkali agent
Polyester stripping agent
Antiseptic and bactericide
Nylon fixing agent
Rohm and Haas Plastic Antibacterial Agent SB-27
SB-8 Plastic antibacterial agent
Non-yellowing cationic softeners
Stiffening resin
Anti-wrinkle scouring agent
Oligomer remover
Acid release agent
Single-chain ten carbon
Pretreatment agent
Cracking inhibitor
Flossing softener
Non-foaming soaping agent
Wool fixing agent
Ammonia emulsion
Polyester repair agent
Deepening agent
Nylon cotton anti-dyeing agent
Bath smoothing agent
Bath fluffing agent
Anionic soft oil

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