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山东瑞丰高分子材料股份有限公司 Company Information

Company Name:    Cooper Ruifeng polymer materials Ltd.
Tel:    0533-3240384
Nationality:    China
Product List:    48

Product List
PVC foam regulator LS-530
PVC foaming regulator LP-60
Acrylic finish
Aluminum tannins
Resin tanning agent LB-2
Synthetic tincture PCD
Sealing agent
PVC foaming regulator LS-400
Acrylic resin tincture CAR-1
Dyeing and fatening aid
Acrylic resin tincture ART-2
PVC processing modifier ACR resin
Efficient processing aid LS-401
Auxiliaries for polyvinyl chloride process
Retanning agent
Impact modifier MBS
Acrylate impact modifier
Synthetic tincture SPT
Modified silicone gum GKR
LA50 resin
Polydimethylsiloxane, dihydroxy terminated 70131-67-8
Acrylic resin tincture CAR-2
Efficient processing aid LS-01
Finishing agent
Cracking resin
Leather coating agent of filling acrylic resin
PVC processing aid ACR
Efficient processing aid LP-20
Efficient processing aid LS-02
PVC impact modifier MBS resin
Efficient processing aid LS-120
High impact ACR resin
Water immersion aid
Amino resin tanning agent CDR
Efficient processing aid LP-21
P-530 foaming agent
Acrylic resin tincture ART-1
Efficient processing aid LP-30
Synthetic tincture HPT
Protein-filled retanning agent LB-1
Liming auxiliaries
Soft finish
Impact modifier ACR resin
Synthetic greasing agent
Neutralizing retanning agent ZHR
Replacement tincture ZAR
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride processing modifier LA50 resin

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