2-Pyridineboronic acid
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第一次跟这家合作,担心出问题,预付50%,货到后付尾款 ,174063-87-7 1kg ,检测合格 付尾款 现在发票都收到了,做生意诚信很重要 ,合作愉快!
2018/6/7 12:52:27      Complaint    4-bromo-2-methoxy-1-nitrobenzene
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
购买的1072-72-6 10kg 报价迅速,回复态度也很不错,产品检测了也没问题,质量不错,纯度很高,很靠谱的公司。
2016/8/5 15:26:09      Complaint    4-bromo-2-methoxy-1-nitrobenzene
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
购买的103966-66-11kg 产品纯度和外观都很不错,希望以后多多合作!
2016/8/5 15:22:27      Complaint
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