  • Hycult,Hycult


价格 询价
包装 1mg
最小起订量 1mg
发货地 湖北
更新日期 2024-10-16
QQ交谈 微信洽谈


产品类别: 免疫学产品
2024-10-16 Hycult Hycult 1mg/RMB 免疫学产品

Hycult Biotech是一家专注于设计、研发、生产以及销售抗体和其相关产品的公司,其特色产品是天然免疫及相关领域的免疫分析试剂,例如补体, 嗜中性粒细胞蛋白,TLP,清道夫受体以及急性期蛋白等。除此之外,Hycult Biotech公司也可以提供炎症反应和细胞损伤等方面的产品。Hycult Biotech的宗旨和策略是着重于天然免疫相关疾病的研究,为人类生活质量的提高谋福利。作为免疫学和细胞生物学领域的领导者,Hycult Biotech公司不仅研发这些用于生物科学研究的产品,同时也致力于将这些科研产品转化为临床测试的研究。该公司与40多家主要的国际研究机构有着紧密的合作,因此,他们可以持续提供多种创新型试剂。Hycult Biotech公司在1988年就已经获得ISO-9001质量验证,2007年获得ISO-13485验证,2009年获得CE质量认证。Hycult Biotech公司凭借其先进的理念,高效的研究团队以及严格的质监系统为广大科研工作者提供高质量的产品及周到的技术服务。

作为在中国的区域Hycult Biotech代理,艾美捷科技有限公司将为中国客户提供最全面的Hycult Biotech公司的产品以及抗体的订制和偶联服务。


Hycult Biotech designs, develops, produces and markets antibodies, antibody based products and more specifically immunoassays for innate immunity and directly related fields, with an emphasis on complement, neutrophil proteins, TLR, scavenger receptors and acute phase proteins. Furthermore, we have a strong interest in progressing research in the area of inflammation and cell damage caused by pathogens or oxidation factors. 


Hycult Biotech’s mission and strategy is to advance insight in innate immunity related diseases, for the benefit of individuals and their quality of life.


As a leader within focused fields of immunology and cell biology, we develop products for the life sciences and in accordance with our mission it is our ambition to facilitate the transition of these products from research use into diagnostic testing. Many of our reagents are developed in close cooperation with scientists worldwide. Hycult Biotech has built a strong network with over 40 close scientific collaborations with leading international research institutes. We contribute to numerous projects and as a result, can continuously offer early access to an expanding range of innovative reagents. Hycult Biotech has been ISO-9001 certified since 1998 and we upgraded our certification to ISO-13485 in 2007, with a milestone of our first release of CE marked assays in 2009. Our vision, knowledgeable team and quality management system guarantee products of the highest grade combined with excellent technical service.

关键字: Hycult;


成立日期 2009-01-09 (16年) 注册资本 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
员工人数 100-500人 年营业额 ¥ 1000万-5000万
主营行业 生化试剂,抗体,细胞培养,蛋白组学 经营模式 服务
  • 武汉艾美捷科技有限公司
VIP 3年
  • 公司成立:16年
  • 注册资本:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 企业类型:有限
  • 主营产品:生化试剂和抗体 蛋白
  • 公司地址:洪山区光谷大道35号光谷总部 国际二期时代1栋13楼



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