保护素D1,Protectin D1
  • 保护素D1,Protectin D1


价格 询价
包装 1EA
最小起订量 1EA
发货地 湖北
更新日期 2024-08-15
QQ交谈 微信洽谈


中文名称:保护素D1英文名称:Protectin D1
产品类别: 试剂盒 细胞分析试剂盒
2024-08-15 保护素D1 Protectin D1 1EA/RMB 试剂盒 细胞分析试剂盒
  • 中文名称

  • 保护素D1

  • 英文名字

  • Protectin D1

  • 供应商

  • 开曼生物

  • 产品货号

  • 10010390-10

  • 产品报价

  • ¥2201.6/10ug

  • 产品说明书

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  • 购买方式

  • 银行转账、电汇、支票、现金,在线支付宝及网银支付,或直接与我们电话联系400-6800-868。

  • 产品新闻

  • 背景资料

  • Protectin D1 is a specialized pro-resolving mediator (SPM) synthesized from docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; Item No. 90310). DHA is oxidized to 16S,17S-epoxy-protectin, which is converted to protectin D1 enzymatically. Protectin D1 increases phagocytosis of apoptotic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) by macrophages in a non-phlogistic manner and is generated in vitro during macrophage-apoptotic interactions. It enhances phagocytosis in mice after 24 hours, but not at the initiation or peak of inflammation. It also decreases PMN infiltration in a zymosan-induced mouse model of inflammation when administered at a dose of 300 ng per animal. Protectin D1 (200 µg, i.v.) inhibits increases in neutrophil counts in bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF) and lung myeloperoxidase activity in a mouse model of pulmonary injury and inflammation induced by intratracheal LPS instillation. It also decreases pulmonary edema and promotes neutrophil apoptosis in BALF.

  • 产品描述

  • Protectin D1 is a specialized pro-resolving mediator (SPM) synthesized from docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; Item No. 90310). DHA is oxidized to 16S,17S-epoxy-protectin, which is converted to protectin D1 enzymatically. Protectin D1 increases phagocytosis of apoptotic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) by macrophages in a non-phlogistic manner and is generated in vitro during macrophage-apoptotic interactions. It enhances phagocytosis in mice after 24 hours, but not at the initiation or peak of inflammation. It also decreases PMN infiltration in a zymosan-induced mouse model of inflammation when administered at a dose of 300 ng per animal. Protectin D1 (200 µg, i.v.) inhibits increases in neutrophil counts in bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF) and lung myeloperoxidase activity in a mouse model of pulmonary injury and inflammation induced by intratracheal LPS instillation. It also decreases pulmonary edema and promotes neutrophil apoptosis in BALF.

  • 保存建议

  • 在您收到货物后,我们建议在-80℃温度下冷冻保存。产品有效期为12个月。

  • 其他

  • 开曼生物向全球科学工作者提供多研究领域的生化、免疫试剂和分析试剂盒,其产品被广泛应用于肿瘤、氧化氮、神经学、凋亡、氧化性损伤、内分泌学等不同研究领域.开曼生物可提供用于检测的特色试剂盒,如:类花生酸类物质、游离的生物标志、环核苷、激素及氧化氮等;也提供多种高质量试剂,包括:类花生酸类物质、氧化氮试剂及许多相关脂质、脂肪酸、酶和抗体.作为开曼生物在中国的区域总代理,艾美捷科技有限公司将为中国客户提供最全面的开曼生物产品以及客户订制化服务.

关键字: 保护素D1;


成立日期 2009-01-09 (16年) 注册资本 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
员工人数 100-500人 年营业额 ¥ 1000万-5000万
主营行业 生化试剂,抗体,细胞培养,蛋白组学 经营模式 服务
  • 武汉艾美捷科技有限公司
VIP 3年
  • 公司成立:16年
  • 注册资本:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 企业类型:有限
  • 主营产品:生化试剂和抗体 蛋白
  • 公司地址:洪山区光谷大道35号光谷总部 国际二期时代1栋13楼



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