LR3IGF-I快速ELISA试剂盒:人(1个板),LR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)
  • LR3IGF-I快速ELISA试剂盒:人(1个板),LR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)
  • LR3IGF-I快速ELISA试剂盒:人(1个板),LR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)


价格 3000
包装 1Plate
最小起订量 1Plate
发货地 湖北
更新日期 2023-08-09


中文名称:LR3IGF-I快速ELISA试剂盒:人(1个板)英文名称:LR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)
产品类别: 试剂盒
2023-08-09 LR3IGF-I快速ELISA试剂盒:人(1个板) LR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate) 1Plate/3000RMB 3000 试剂盒
  • 中文名称

  • LR3IGF-I快速ELISA试剂盒:人(1个板)

  • 英文名字

  • LR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)

  • 供应商

  • Biosensis

  • 产品货号

  • BEK-2233-1P


  • 背景资料

  • LR3IGF-I is an 83 amino acid analogue of IGF-I comprising the complete human IGF-I sequence with the substitution of an Arginine for the Glutamine at position 3, plus a 13 amino acid extension peptide at the N-terminus.

  • 产品描述

  • Human LR³ insulin-like Growth Factor-I (LR³IGF-I) was developed by GroPep Bioreagents ( specifically for supplementation of mammalian cell culture to support the survival and proliferation of cells. It is engineered to have a higher biological potency than native IGF-I or IGF-II and has several advantages over recombinant insulin. Supplementation of cell cultures with LR³IGF-I at a much lower concentration results in equivalent or better productivity than supplementation with standard concentrations of insulin. LR³IGF-I is better able to stimulate the type I IGF receptor and thus induce a higher level of activation of intracellular signalling molecules, which are responsible for promoting cell survival by inhibition of apoptosis.
    This LR³IGF-I Rapid ELISA kit combines GroPeps many years of expertise in the field of IGF research and Biosensis newly established Rapid ELISA platform. This collaboration has resulted in the new LR³IGF-I Rapid ELISA kit, which provides for the sensitive, specific and reliable quantification of LR³IGF-I protein in less than 3 hours!
    The ELISA kit consists of a complete set of reagents and pre-coated plate to allow immediate assay of LR³IGF-I in culture media. Included in the kit are mouse monoclonal anti- LR³IGF-I capture antibody pre-coated onto an ELISA plate, standard LR³IGF-I protein, a biotinylated anti- LR³IGF-I detection antibody and horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated streptavidin. The addition of a substrate (3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine, TMB) yields a colored reaction product which is directly proportional to the concentration of LR³IGF-I present in samples and the supplied protein standard.
    This LR³IGF-I RapidTM ELISA kit has been developed, optimized and validated to quantify LR³IGF-I protein in cell culture medium. It is likely to be used to measure LR³IGF-I in media and during downstream processing of media following a production cycle and is not intended for other use. This kit has been configured for research use only and is not to be used in diagnostic or clinical procedures.

  • 产品特点

  • 该ELIAS试剂盒包含:1 x 96孔预包被条孔板(可拆卸), protein standards, detection reagents, wash and sample buffers, substrate buffer and detailed protocols.

  • 保存建议

  • 厂家推荐冰袋运输。厂家推荐试剂盒保存于4 °C

关键字: LR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA;Biosensis;LR3IGF-I快速ELISA试剂盒:人;


湖北艾普蒂生物工程有限公司(简称:艾普蒂)由在国内科研试剂领域有着十几年从业经验的专业技术团队和企业管理团队组建而成,专门从事以抗体、蛋白、细胞、化学品为核心的试剂产品研发与销售。 我们长期聚焦于生命科学、生物医药、医疗诊断、分析检测等领域,专注于为生命科学和生物技术领域的客户提供优质的产品和技术服务。公司整合了国内外50多家行业知名品牌,提供生命科学 试剂、供应链服务等,为更多的生命科学科研工作者提供 专业、全面、安全、快捷的产品和服务。产品覆盖 基因、蛋白、细胞、组织、动物等水平的各种研究。 致力于成长为我国重要的生命科学试剂和成果转化一体化的领导者、致力于成为中国大型的科研试剂产品供应商之一。
成立日期 2021-01-08 (4年) 注册资本 600万元人民币
员工人数 1-10人 年营业额 ¥ 100万以内
主营行业 生物化工,核苷,核苷酸,寡核苷酸,抗体,细胞培养,蛋白组学 经营模式 贸易,试剂
  • 湖北艾普蒂生物工程有限公司
  • 公司成立:4年
  • 注册资本:600万元人民币
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 主营产品:蛋白、抗体、试剂盒等生物试剂
  • 公司地址:武汉东湖新技术开发区高新二路37号鼎泰关南大厦第4、5层K027


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