KR-261 反渗透膜用碱性洗涤剂,KR-261 Alkali Detergent for RO Membrane
  • KR-261 反渗透膜用碱性洗涤剂,KR-261 Alkali Detergent for RO Membrane

KR-261 反渗透膜用碱性洗涤剂

价格 询价
包装 1吨
最小起订量 10吨
发货地 山东
更新日期 2024-06-13


中文名称:KR-261 反渗透膜用碱性洗涤剂英文名称:KR-261 Alkali Detergent for RO Membrane
产品类别: Algicide
2024-06-13 KR-261 反渗透膜用碱性洗涤剂 KR-261 Alkali Detergent for RO Membrane 1吨/RMB Algicide

The KR-261 Alkali Detergent is designed to maintain the operational stability of reverse osmosis (RO) systems by providing a means to clean and restore the performance of the membranes used in these systems. Over time, RO membranes can become fouled due to the accumulation of oil, organic substances, and bio-mucosa (biological deposits), which can reduce the efficiency of the system. Here are the key points about KR-261 Alkali Detergent based on the provided information:

  1. Compatibility with Membranes: It is suitable for use with all types of aromatic polyamide and acetate acid membranes, which are common in RO systems.

  2. Cleaning Efficacy: KR-261 is formulated to effectively remove the types of foulants typically found on RO membranes, including oil, organic substances, and bio-mucosa.

  3. Temperature Sensitivity: The cleaning action of KR-261 is enhanced with increased temperature, suggesting that higher operating temperatures may lead to more efficient cleaning.

  4. pH Control: The detergent is diluted and used to maintain a pH of 10.5±0.5. Alkaline conditions are often required to effectively remove certain types of foulants from membrane surfaces.

  5. Mixing Time: The use of a liquid solvent with KR-261 can reduce the time required for thorough mixing, which may speed up the cleaning process.

  6. Reusability: KR-261 can be used repeatedly, which could contribute to its cost-effectiveness in maintaining RO systems.

  7. Formulation: Being an alkali liquid formula, KR-261 is specifically designed to dissolve and lift away contaminants, which is crucial for the periodic cleaning and maintenance of RO membranes.


It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using KR-261 or any other cleaning agent to ensure the safety of the cleaning process and the longevity of the RO system. Regular cleaning with detergents like KR-261 can extend the time between more intensive maintenance procedures and help to maintain the optimal performance of the RO system.

关键字: 反渗透膜用碱性洗涤剂;反渗透膜;


公司位于枣庄市薛城化工区,厂房面积约6.7万平方米,采用先进的连续批量生产技术和DCS自动控制系统。公司建有膦酸酯、聚羧酸聚合物、杀菌剂等5个车间,单体生产能力达到28万吨/年。除工业水处理外,我们的产品还广泛应用于油田、洗涤剂、纺织印染、造纸、海水淡化等领域。 凯瑞化学拥有近20年的研发、生产管理和供应链上下游管理经验,拥有超过15年的出口经验、快速报价系统和专业的危险品运营团队,确保及时交货,为全球客户提供专业满意的服务。到目前为止,我们的产品已出口到70多个国家。
成立日期 2021-11-15 (3年) 注册资本 壹仟万元整
员工人数 1-10人 年营业额 ¥ 100万以内
主营行业 表面活性剂 经营模式 工厂
  • 枣庄凯瑞水处理有限公司
  • 公司成立:3年
  • 注册资本:壹仟万元整
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司
  • 主营产品:水质稳定剂、 纺织印染助剂、 造纸助剂、 油田助剂、 水性涂料助剂
  • 公司地址:薛城区化工产业园府前路路南1号

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