FMC63试剂盒,FMC63 ELISA Kit
  • FMC63试剂盒,FMC63 ELISA Kit
  • FMC63试剂盒,FMC63 ELISA Kit
  • FMC63试剂盒,FMC63 ELISA Kit

FMC63 ELISA试剂盒-ACROBiosystems百普赛斯

价格 询价
包装 1支 5支 10支
最小起订量 1支
发货地 北京
更新日期 2024-10-09


中文名称:FMC63试剂盒英文名称:FMC63 ELISA Kit
品牌: 百普赛斯产地: 北京
保存条件: -20°C to -70°C纯度规格: 99.9%
产品类别: ELISA试剂盒
数量: 999保质期: 12个月
货号: RAB-P001是否进口:
适应物种: Human
2024-10-09 FMC63试剂盒 FMC63 ELISA Kit 1支/RMB;5支/RMB;10支/RMB 百普赛斯 北京 -20°C to -70°C 99.9% ELISA试剂盒

Anti-CD19 (FMC63) CAR Immunogenicity ELISA Kit



FMC63 is an IgG2a mouse monoclonal antibody specific for CD19, which is a target for the immunotherapy of B lineage leukaemias and lymphomas. FMC63 scFv is the most commonly used ectodomain component of CD19-specific CARs. So far, most of reported CART19 trials contain the anti-CD19 scFv derived from FMC63, including the two FDA-approved CARs Kymriah and Yescarta.Anti-fmc63 scFv antibody can specifically bind to the antigen recognition epitope of fmc63 scFv on anti-CD19 car, and it shows high specificity and sensitivity,it's used to detect the expression of fmc63 scFv derived car.

原理(Assay Principles

This assay kit employs a bridging-ELISA format, providing a rapid detection of FMC63 ADA. The kit consists High-bind Plate and Mouse FMC63 scFv and FMC63 ADA Standard and Biotin-Mouse FMC63 scFv and Streptavidin-HRP and buffers.

Your experiment will include 4 simple steps:

a) Coat the plate with Mouse FMC63 scFv.

b) Add your molecule of interest to the tests.

c) Add Mouse FMC63 scFv-Biotin.

d) Add Streptavidin-HRP followed by TMB or other colorimetric HRP substrate.


This kit is developed for detection of Anti-CD19 (FMC63) antibodies in CAR Immunogenicity assay test. Detection and monitoring the level of ADA is important to fully understand the potential immune responses.

It is for research use only.


Please see Certificate of Analysis for details of reconstitution instruction and specific concentration.

存储 & 运输(Storage & Shipping

The unopened kit is stable for 12 months from the date of manufacture if stored at 2°C to 8°C.

The opened kit should be stored per components table. The shelf life is 30 days from the date of opening.

The kit shipped at room temperature that had been validated. Please contact us if you need blue ice shipping, but additional freight may be followed.

Below is the Shipping Statement for Kit Products.


关键字: FMC63 ELISA Kit;FMC63试剂盒;FMC63 ELISA试剂盒;ACRO;百普赛斯;


百普赛斯集团ACROBiosystems Group(股票代码:301080)是成立于2010年的跨国生物科技公司,是为全球生物医药、健康产业领域提供关键生物试剂产品及解决方案的行业平台型基石企业。2021年在创业板上市。百普赛斯集团业务遍布全球,横跨亚洲、北美洲、欧洲,在中国、美国、瑞士等12个城市设有办公室、研发中心及生产基地。目前累计服务客户超6000家,与全球Top 20医药企业均建立了长期、稳定的合作伙伴关系。集团旗下拥有品牌ACROBiosystems百普赛斯、bioSeedin柏思荟、Condense Capital垦拓资本和ACRODiagnostics百斯医学等。
成立日期 2010-07-22 (15年) 注册资本 8000万人民币
员工人数 500人以上 年营业额 ¥ 1亿以上
主营行业 医药中间体,原料药,激素类,氨基糖苷类,中枢神经系统用药 经营模式 工厂,试剂
  • 北京百普赛斯生物科技股份有限公司
VIP 1年
  • 公司成立:15年
  • 注册资本:8000万人民币
  • 企业类型:其他股份有限公司(上市)
  • 主营产品:重组蛋白,抗原,抗体,试剂盒
  • 公司地址:北京市北京经济技术开发区宏达北路8号4幢4层

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