Herbal medicine extract manufacturer supply isoflavones genistein phytoestrogens,genistein

Herbal medicine extract manufacturer supply isoflavones genistein phytoestrogens

价格 询价
包装 1kg foil bag, 25kg/drum ,double plastic bags for inner packing and carton drum for outer packing
最小起订量 1kg foil bag, 25kg/drum ,double plastic bags for inner packing and carton drum for outer packing
发货地 陕西
更新日期 2016-03-22


中文名称:Herbal medicine extract manufacturer supply isoflavones genistein phytoestrogens英文名称:genistein
CAS:446-95-7有效期: 一年
2016-03-22 Herbal medicine extract manufacturer supply isoflavones genistein phytoestrogens genistein RMB 1 一年
Sources and Habitation Sophora japonica, Soybeans (Latin name: Glycine mao(L).Merr.) and soy foods are the major dietary sources of these substances. Nonfermented soy foods, such as tofu, contain higher levels of the genistein glycosides, while fermented soy foods, such as tempeh and miso, contain higher levels of the aglycone. Descriptions and Specifications of Product Plant original: Glycine mao(L).Merr. Specifications: 98.0% Genistein Test by HPLC Molecular Formula: C15H10O5 Molecular Mass: 270.24 CAS No: 446-72-0 Indications and Uses Genistein is classified as a phytoestrogen which are plant-derived nonsteroidal compounds that possess estrogen-like biological activity. Genistein has been found to have both weak estrogenic and weak anti-estrogenic effects.Genistein has weak estrogenic activity as measured in in vivo and in vitro assays. In vivo,its estrogenic activity is one-third that of glycitein and four times greater than that of daidzein. Genistein has been found to have a number of antioxidant activities. It is a scavenger of reactive oxygen species and inhibits lipid peroxidation.It also inhibits superoxide anion generation by the enzyme xanthine oxidase. In addition, genistein, in animal experiments, has been found to increase the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase and glutathione reductase. Safety Concerns Many of the often-cited genotoxic effects of genistein, including apoptosis, cell growth inhibition, topoisomerase inhibition and others become less obvious. Recent cellular, epigenetic and microarray studies are beginning to decipher genistein effects that occur at dietarily relevant low concentrations. In toxicology, the well accepted principle of "the dose defines the poison" applies to many toxicants and can be invoked, as herein, to distinguish genotoxic versus potentially beneficial in vitro effects of natural dietary products such as genistein. Dosage Information In consideration of levels of dietary genistein uptake and bioavailability we have defined in vitro concentrations of genistein >5 microM as non-physiological, and thus "high" doses. Therapeutic Dosages The optimum dosage of genistein is unknown. In Asia, population groups who eat soy foods daily containing 20 mg to 80 mg of genistein have lower rates of breast and prostate cancer than do groups in the West with less genistein in their diets. However, we don't know whether genistein (or even soy isoflavones generally) are responsible for this effect. Storage and shelf life: Storage: 1kg foil bag, 25kg/drum , double plastic bags for inner packing and carton drum for outer packing Stored conditions: Cool&dry place. Do not freeze. Keep away from strong light and heat Shelf time: 2 years when stored properly
关键字: genistein,isoflavones genistein phytoestrogens,soybean extract


Shaanxi Yougu Biotechnology Co.,Ltd is a leading China Fucoidan manufacturers, with professional factory we produce high quality Fucoidan, forskolin, Amygdalin, ganoderma lucidum extract, Icariin, Alpha Arbutin, Glabridin, Cordyceps Sinensis Extract etc, plant extract products with competitive price. As a technology oriented private enterprise, the company currently has 6 GMP standard production lines, as well as dynamic countercurrent extraction, column separation technology, membrane separation technology, high efficiency countercurrent extraction, microwave drying technology, spray dryi
成立日期 注册资本
员工人数 年营业额
主营行业 植物提取物,黄酮类,多糖和糖苷,多糖和糖苷,中草药提取物 经营模式 贸易,工厂
  • Shaanxi Yougu Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
  • 公司成立:暂无
  • 注册资本:暂无
  • 企业类型:暂无
  • 主营产品:暂无
  • 公司地址:No.2#, Dazhai Rd, China

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