维百奥现货销售GE/Cytiva Western Blot转印膜
| 产品信息
品名:GE/Cytiva Western Blot转印膜
规格:300mmx4m;1 roll/PK
| 产品系列
1)Amersham Hybond P 0.45 PVDF 300mmx4m 1 roll/PK
● 产品概述:
This PVDF blotting membrane has 0.45 µm pore size, for use with standard colorimetric and chemiluminescent detection methods for proteins of > Mr 20 000.
◆ Protein binding capacity over 200 μg/cm2 for easy signal detection.
◆ High protein retention even after harsh washing steps.
◆ High protein capture during transfer minimizes sample loss.
◆ Available in popular precut sizes for laboratory application.
2)Amersham Protran 0.45 NC 300mm×4m 1 roll/PK
● 产品概述:
Amersham Protran 0.45 NC is a nitrocellulose membrane with a 0.45 µm pore size for use in Western blot protocols.
◆ Low background and excellent signal-to-noise ratios
◆ Compatible with a variety of labelling and detection systems
◆ High binding capacity
◆ Suitable for proteins with a wide range of molecular weights
◆ Ideal tool for your antibody purification and analysis workflow
◆ Proprietary nitrocellulose formula ensures a long shelf life of bound proteins
3)Amersham Protran 0.2 NC 300mm×4m 1 roll/PK
● 产品概述:
Protran 0.2 NC membranes for Western blot protocols are nitrocellulose membrane with a 0.2 µm pore size.
◆ Low background and excellent signal-to-noise ratios, without the need for stringent washing conditions
◆ Compatible with a variety of Western blot labeling and detection systems
◆ Risk of “blow-through” reduced by high binding capacity of small proteins (< Mr 20 000)
◆ Optimized for chemiluminescent and fluorescent detection
◆ Long shelf life of bound proteins to the transfer membrane
◆ Available in popular precut sizes for Western blot transfer applications
关键字: Cytiva;转印膜;