  • Rotigaptide,Rotigaptide


价格 500
包装 5MG
最小起订量 5MG
发货地 上海
更新日期 2024-07-31


CAS:355151-12-1产品类别: 活性肽
2024-07-31 Rotigaptide Rotigaptide 5MG/500RMB 500 活性肽

Product name: Rotigaptide

Catalog#: 1808224

Synonyms: ZP 123,ZP123,ZP123 peptide


Sequence: Ac-D-Tyr-D-Pro-D-Hyp-Gly-D-Ala-Gly-NH2

M.W: C28H39N7O9

M.F.: 617.65

Purity: 95%

Format: White powder

Description: To address cardiac arrhythmia, hexa-peptides such as AAP10 derived from bovine atria and a stable analogue ZP123, now termed rotigaptide, have been developed to modify gap junctional channel properties and intercellular communication . Rotigaptide promoted electrical coupling between ventricular myocytes without changing membrane conductance . The peptide attenuated gap junction closure and preserved intercellular coupling during acidosis . Most importantly, rotigaptide reduced the inducibility of re-entry ventricular tachycardia during acute ischaemia in dogs . Indeed, these properties suggest that rotigaptide could be a prototype of a new class of antiarrhythmic drug.

Compound ID: 9938933


Usage: For Scientific Research Use Only, Not for Human Use.

关键字: Rotigaptide


燊肽科技致力于为国内医药研发机构和科研院校提供多肽和氨基酸衍生物相关生化试剂, 以及定制合成技术服务. 我们的产品线包含各种高端进口品牌,以及价格适中的国内自主品牌. 我们保证多肽实验活性和质量, 提供24小时技术支持.A full-service company dedicated to provide qualified peptide related chemicals, proteins and enabling technologies for scientific research. We are serving over 100 customers over North America, Europe , Japan, Korea, Australia Russia, and Latin America. The comprehensive services which assist you on peptides, intermediates manufacturing from the very beginning of pharma research to large
成立日期 2015-04-10 (10年) 注册资本 100万
员工人数 1-10人 年营业额 ¥ 300万-500万
主营行业 中间体,化学试剂,技术服务 经营模式 贸易,工厂,试剂,定制,服务
  • 燊肽科技(上海)有限公司
  • 公司成立:10年
  • 注册资本:100万
  • 企业类型:贸易
  • 主营产品:氨基酸衍生物, 多肽及其链接剂, PEG以及多肽化学合成服务
  • 公司地址:奉贤区望园南路1288弄卓越世纪中心3号楼507房间
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