PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA/DNA Purification Kit
  • PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA/DNA Purification Kit

PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA/DNA Purification Kit

价格 16269
包装 4plates
最小起订量 4plates
发货地 上海
更新日期 2024-09-13


英文名称:PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA/DNA Purification Kit产品类别: DNA提取与纯化
2024-09-13 PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA/DNA Purification Kit PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA/DNA Purification Kit 4plates/16269RMB 16269 DNA提取与纯化


The PureLink® Pro 96 Viral RNA⁄DNA Purification Kit is the only 96-well silica plate system that can extract both viral RNA and DNA from 200-µl cell-free fluids which uses a low-depth 96-well centrifuge bucket for ease-of- use, all without any loss in sensitivity. These kits provide:
• Versatility-one kit for all your samples, the protocol is optimized for both viral RNA and DNA extraction
• Flexibility in centrifuge choice-minimum speeds for 96 well processing of 2250 x g and a rotor bucket depth of 5 cm make this kit one of the most adaptable systems for existing laboratory centrifuges (Figure 1)
• Sensitivity and reproducibility as good as a spin column-moving to high throughput is reliable and easy with no loss in accuracy of quantitation

The PureLink® Pro 96 Viral RNA⁄DNA Purification Kit is based on conventional silica plate extraction chemistry. Cell-free samples are lysed in guanidine containing buffers that have been reformulated to increase the recovery and sensitivity of purified nucleic acids, while carrier RNA is used to protect samples from RNase degradation. Binding of lysates to the Viral Filter Plate can be performed with either a vacuum manifold or centrifugation using a 96-well rotor with buckets having a depth of only 5 cm. After washes with ethanol-based buffers, the viral RNA or DNA is eluted in 100 µl of RNase-free water. The RNA or DNA is ready to use in one-step or two-step RT-PCR and qRT-PCR, qPCR, or other enzymatic amplification procedures.

The PureLink® Pro 96 Viral RNA⁄DNA Purification Kit shows excellent well-to-well consistency
A critical requirement for any 96-well purification system is well-to-well consistency. When using a technique as sensitive as qRT-PCR for viral nucleic acid detection, which may exist as low viral titers from patient samples, consistency between samples becomes even more important. When well-to-well recovery of lentiviral RNA was analyzed using the PureLink® Pro 96 Viral RNA⁄DNA Purification Kit, consistent Ct values were obtained in qRT-PCR analyses while plasma controls run on the same plate were negative, showing no cross contamination (Figure 2).

Get the same results in a 96-plate extraction as you would with a spin column
To prove consistency of our novel purification chemistry in the both high- and low-throughout formats, Armored RNA® HCV virus was spiked in human plasma and 200 µl were used for viral nucleic acid purification with either the PureLink® Viral RNA⁄DNA Mini Kit (spin-column based purification) or with the PureLink® Pro 96 Viral RNA⁄DNA Purification Kit. The purified samples were analyzed for performance comparison using qRT-PCR. Both purification methods successfully demonstrated viral purification and detection as both purification profiles exhibited scalable qRT-PCR detection analysis profiles (Figure 3). The PureLink® Pro 96 Viral RNA⁄DNA Purification Kit provides sensitive linear scalable viral RNA⁄DNA purification with a sensitivity and efficiency equal to that of the spin column purification format.

关键字: PureLink Pro 96 Viral RNA/DNA Purification Kit


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  • 主营产品:仪器(包括生命科学与临床医学仪器、环境检测仪器、化学与材料分析仪器、测量与控制仪器)、实验室设备、研发与实验耗材、生物技术制品(药品除外)及其配套应用软件批发(详见许可证)、网上零售(大宗商品除外)、佣金代理(拍卖除外)、进出口及其他相关配套业务,与上述产品有关的技术开发、技术服务、技术咨询、技术转让和培训,化学品(危险化学品详见许可证)、一类、二类、三类医疗器械(凭许可证经营)的批发,仪器、实验室设备的租赁,实验室设备的安装、调试及其配套服务,区内仪器、实验室设备、研发耗材和生物技术制品(药品除外)的仓储分拨业务,提供相关的维修、售后服务和技术培训并从事相关的研发活动,生命科学与临床医学仪器、环境检测仪器、化学分析仪器、测量与控制仪器和设备的维修,国际贸易,转口贸易,区内企业间的贸易及贸易代理,区内商业性简单加工,区内商品展示,区内贸易咨询服务,为集团内企业提供投资管理咨询,企业管理咨询,财务管理咨询,技术开发咨询。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
  • 公司地址:上海市浦东新区新金桥路27号3& 6& 7号楼

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