颜料黄 65
  • 颜料黄 65

颜料黄 65

价格 询价
包装 20kg
最小起订量 20kg
发货地 浙江
更新日期 2024-09-13


中文名称:颜料黄 65CAS:6528-34-3
产品类别: 染料
2024-09-13 颜料黄 65 20kg/RMB 染料
1.Chemical Identification:
C.I. Name:    C.I.Pigment Yellow 65
C.I. No.:       11740
CAS No.:      6528-34-3
   Molecular formula: C18H18N4O6
Manufacturer:  Hangzhou Jiekai Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Nanyang Development Zone,Xiaoshan,
Hangzhou, China P.C. 311200
      Tel: 86-571-83710101
Fax: 86-571-82163005
2.Composition/ Information on Ingredients
Product Identification: P.Y.65
Chemicals Name: Pigment fast yellow RN
Heavey Metal Content: Organic pigment doesn’t contain any leas, cadmium, chromium(VI), mercury compounds, etc in their formulations. However, each grade of pigment contains heavy metals within limits permissible by regulations in various countries.
3.Hazards Identification
This substance is not considered to be a hazardous substance as defined under the OSHA hazard communication standard (29 CFR 1910.1200)
Non Hazardous to man and environment.
4.First Aid measurements
Inhaled   :   Remove victim to fresh air. Get medical attention.
Skin contact:  Wash affected skin with soap and water.
Eye contact:  Flush eyes with plenty of water. If irritation develops, Get medical attention.
Ingestion :   If swallowed, Dilute with water.
If gastrointestinal symptoms develop, Get medical attention.
5.Fire fighting measures
Flammability Class: Not flammable
Extinguishing media: Water spray, Carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder or foam.
The following can be given off in a fire: Hydrogen Chloride can be formed when burning.
Special protective equipment: Self contained breathing apparatus plus full protective equipment recommended.
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6.Accidental release measured
Personal precautions:   Clean up with appropriate personal equipment (see section 8)
Environment precautions: Airborne pigment dust may be explosion hazard. Secure source of ignition and avoid raising dust. Ventilate area.
Methods of cleaning up: Take up mechanically, recommended by using dust collector, place in a bag and hold for disposal. Wash spill site after material pickup.
7.Handling and Storage
Handling:          Avoid dust formation. If dust formation occurs, take precautionary measures against discharges.
Waste Disposal Method: Disposal of this material must be in accordance with Federal, State and Local regulations.
Storage:             Keep packaging tightly closed and store in a dry and cool place with adequate ventilation.
8.Exposure Control/ Personal Protection
Respiratory Protection:  Exhaust Ventilation, use dust mask when package is opened.
Hand Protection     :  Rubber Hand Gloves.
Eye Protection      :  Safety Goggles.
Body Protection     :  Impervious clothing.
Recommendations for personal protection are use in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices.
9.Physical and Chemical Properties
Properties:              Powder
Color:                 Yellow
Odor:                  Odorless
Change in Physical State
Molecular Weight: 386.36
Boiling Point /Boiling rang: Not Applicable
Explosion limits: No data available
Ignition Temperature: No data
Self Ignition Temperature: Nonflammable material
Vapour pressure: Not Applicable
Solubility in water: Insoluble
Solubility in other solvents: Insoluble in most of the solvents
PH value: 6-7
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10. Stability and reactivity
Stability:       Stable
Incompatibility: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents such as peroxide, chlorates, perchlorates, nitrates, and permanganates acids.
General:       This product is stable compound under normal storage condition and hazardous polymerization will not occur.
11.Toxicological information
Product is non-irritant to skin and eyes.
12.Ecological information
The product is not very water soluble and therefore unlikely to the harmful to aquatic organisms.
13.Disposal Information
Consult local experts for advice on the disposal of this material. Waste disposable should be carried out according to local and state regulations.
14. Transport Information
Road transport:
ADR                       Non-hazardous goods
RID                          Non-hazardous goods
Inland waterways transport:
ADNR                     Non-hazardous goods
Marine transport:
IMDG/UN                  Non-hazardous goods
Air transport:
ICAO/IATA-DGR               Non-hazardous goods
Dispatch by post:             Permitted
15. Regulatory Information
Classified according to the Directives 67/548/EEC and 88/379/EEC, and their various amendments, and labeled as below:
Warning symbols         None
Warning words           None
Risk Phrases             None
Safety Phrases            None
16. Other Information
The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge. All data given are in good faith but no warranty, expressed or implied, is made.
关键字: 颜料黄 65;颜料黄;永固黄 Rn;


杭州捷凯化工有限公司是一家生产经营各类有机无机颜料于一体的企业。公司位于风光秀丽的钱塘江南岸,距沪杭甬高速公路和杭州萧山国际机场各五公里,紧依杭金衢高速,水陆空交通运输十分便利。公司拥有自营进出口权,公司拥有严格的质检及质保体系,为您提供优*的产品。目前我们已在北美、欧洲、东南亚、南北非洲等地区拥有500多个客户。   公司坚持“质量第*,服务*上”的宗旨,围绕“一切为了客户”的理念, 诚邀国内外新老客户惠顾垂询。
成立日期 2005-08-19 (20年) 注册资本 100.000000万人民币
员工人数 1-10人 年营业额 ¥ 100万以内
主营行业 染料中间体 经营模式 贸易
  • 杭州捷凯化工有限公司
  • 公司成立:20年
  • 注册资本:100.000000万人民币
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 主营产品:颜料黄 65等
  • 公司地址:萧山区经济技术开发区万豪广场3幢1单元901室

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