Shanghai Aolu Biological Technology Co., Ltd. Информация о компании

название компании:Shanghai Aolu Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
телефон:021-38238397 15900816646
Список продуктов:4539

номенклатура продукции

Methylene blue staining solution (1%)
WESTERN Transfer Buffer (NC, PVDF)
TMB color developing solution (histochemical or membrane HRP)
Trichrome Stain Kit (Modified Masson's)
Phosphotungstic acid negative staining solution (2%)
Biuret reagent (AB solution)C2H5N3O2
Plant Acid Phosphatase (ACP) Extraction Kit
Mouse Aquaporin 3,AQP-3 ELISA Kit
NG108-15 [108CC15] fusion cell of mouse neuroblastoma and rat glioma
Mouse lymphocyte factor ELISA Kit
Human prostatic acid phosphatase ELISA kit
Sodium thiosulfate solution (5%)Na2O3S2
LILLIE ferric iron staining solution
Sudan III Solution
Sodium Citrate Antigen Retrieval Solution,50×
CAPS Transfer Buffer (Medium Molecular Weight)
Ultraviolet protein quantification kit
Mouse C-type natriuretic peptide,CNP ELISA Kit
Neutral red staining solution (1%)
Paraformaldehyde solution (3% PFA)
Acidified lichen red ethanol solution (1%)
DNA gel loading buffer (6 × DNA LOADING BUFFER)
HEINZ small body staining solution (Nair blue method)
Human Matrix metalloproteinase 3,MMP-3 ELISA kit
HT-29 human colorectal adenocarcinoma
LILLIE divalent iron staining solution
LEZOL (Total RNA Extraction Reagent)
TRIS-Glycine Electrophoresis Powder (1×)
TRIS-boric acid electrophoresis powder (5×TBE)
Paraformaldehyde solution (4% PFA)
Membrane and Cytosol Protein Extraction Kit
Human apoprotein B100,apo-B100 ELISA Kit
Mouse melanocyte antibody ELISA kit
Sodium nitrite solution (1%)NNaO2
SPINNER salt powder (1 ×, containing phenol red)
Schiff Reagent
Periodic Acid Schiff Diastase/PAS-D Stain Kit
Lactic phenol cotton blue staining solution
Plant electroporation buffer
RIPA Lysis Buffer(Weak)
Glycerol-methylene blue staining solution
Nucleic acid hybridization solution
Enzyme-free cell digestive juice
Nitrate reduction test reagent
Nitric oxide synthase staining solution
human hepatitis B virus,HBV preS2Ag ELISA Kit
3T3-E1 rat embryo osteoblast
Saturated aqueous solution of lithium carbonate
Universal fixer
Polyvinyl alcohol anti-fluorescence quenching tablets
Sodium deoxycholate solution (1%)
Mouse 1,3-βD glucosidase ELISA Kit
Hematoxylin anhydrous ethanol solution (5%)
Lipofuscin staining solution (LONG ZIEHL-NEELSEN method)
Coomassie brilliant blue
ABTS reagent
Sodium deoxycholate solution (10%)
HACAT human immortalized epidermal cells
Rabbit Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) ELISA Kit
Mouse nerve growth factor ELISA kit
HSP70 Antibody
Glycogen PAS staining solution
Calcium salt staining solution (silver nitrate method)
TRIZOL (Total RNA Extraction Reagent)
Amino black 10B staining solution
3T3-L1/mouse embryo fibroblast
BRL/rat hepatocytes
Human p53/tumor protein,p53/TP53 ELISA Kit
AS160 Antibody
Double-distilled water
Diff-Quick stain Kit
Bouin's fluid
Lithium carbonate carmine staining solution
Spiral staining solution (LEVADITI silver nitrate method)
Malachite green aqueous solution (1%)
Western and IP Cell lysis Buffer
Protease K Buffer (10×)
Aqueous ferric chloride solution (10%)
Toluidine Blue O solution,1% in sodium borate
β-Galactosidase Staining Kit
CTAB Precipitation Soloution
Nucleic acid precipitation solution (sodium pyrophosphate method)
Sterile deionized water (FOR PCR)
Mammalian genomic DNA extraction kit
Acidic green staining solution
Cyclin A2 (BF683) Mouse mAb
HEP3B human hepatoma cells
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