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ChemicalBook CAS DataBase List 1,4-PHENYLENEBIS(THIOUREA)


9synthesis methods

Yield: 93.43%

Reaction Conditions:

Stage #1:1,4-phenylenediamine with hydrogenchloride in water at 50;
Stage #2:ammonium thiocyanate in water at 90 - 100;


2.4.1. Synthesis of p-Phenylenebis(thiourea) (PBTU)
PBTU was synthesized according to the procedure introduced in[45] with some changes. To a 250-mL flask, the following items wereadded: 15.14 g (140 mmol) of PPDA, 126 mL distilled water, 28 mL ofconcentrated hydrochloric acid, and 0.98 g of activated charcoal. Themixture was warmed up to 50 °C and transferred into another 250-mLflask after filtration. NH4SCN (47.95 g, 600 mmol) was added and themixture stirred at the temperature of 90-100 °C for 20-24 h. The yellowgranular product began to precipitate after 2 h reaction. The mixturewas allowed to cool down, and then the product was collected by filtration,washed with 80 mL hot water, and finally dried at 100 °C underreduced pressure. (C8H10N4S2): light yellow granular solid, yield: 29.6 g(93.43 %); m.p.: 214-219 °C. FT-IR spectrum (cm-1, refer to Fig. 1a):3344, 3267, and 3173 cm-1 (NH and NH2), 3015, 2061, 1617, 1549,1511, 1478, 1413, 1314, 1222, 1069 cm-1 (C=S), 838, 786, 698, 591,512 cm-1.


Rahimi, Marjan;Amini, Abbas;Behmadi, Hossein [Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry,2020,vol. 388,art. no. 112190]