Empenthrin synthesis
1synthesis methods
- Product Name:Empenthrin
- CAS Number:54406-48-3
- Molecular formula:C18H26O2
- Molecular Weight:274.4
About 3.72 g (0.03 mol) of 2-methyl-1-ethynyl-2-pentenol and 3.16 g (0.04 mol) of pyridine were added to toluene to form a solution. A toluene solution containing 5.6 g
(0.03 mol) of Chrysanthemoyl chloride was added in a dropwise manner. The reaction was carried out at a temperature of 40–50°C for 6h. After reaction, the reaction
solution was washed with water until neutral, dried and then subjected to distillation
under reduced pressure. About 5.7 g of empenthrin was collected from a fraction of
120–126°C (0.03 mmHg). The yield of empenthrin was 69%.
Reaction Conditions:
with dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide in benzene
Sumitomo Ltd. FR2226383, 1974, B1 [Chem.Abstr.,1975,vol. 82,# 72566][Chem.Abstr.,1975,vol. 82,# 72566]