
チタン 化学構造式
チタン;ヘキサフルオロチタン(IV)酸アンモニウム;金属チタニウムパウダ-;チタン(キューブ),5N;チタン(スポンジ状);チタニウム;チタン(粉末);チタン,スポンジ;チタン,粉末;チタン及びその化合物;チタン(粉末?乾性のもの);チタン(キューブ), 5N;チタン(粉末) 350メッシュ;チタン.スポンジ;チタン.板状;チタン.粉末;チタン, 塊状;チタン, FOIL;チタン, ホイル;チタン, 粉末
Ti;Titan;TITANIUM SPONGE;Titanate;t40;t60;Rod;Titanium rod;TITANIUM SLUG;Titanium Slag
MOL File:
MSDS File:

チタン 物理性質

融点 :
1660 °C (lit.)
沸点 :
3287 °C (lit.)
比重(密度) :
4.5 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.)
闪点 :
貯蔵温度 :
no restrictions.
外見 :
電気抵抗率 (resistivity):
42.0 μΩ-cm, 20°C
水溶解度 :
Merck :
ACGIH: TWA 2.5 mg/m3
NIOSH: IDLH 250 mg/m3
CAS データベース:
7440-32-6(CAS DataBase Reference)
Titanium (7440-32-6)
  • リスクと安全性に関する声明
  • 危険有害性情報のコード(GHS)
主な危険性  F,Xi
Rフレーズ  20/21/22-11-17-36/38
Sフレーズ  16-36/37/39-33-27-26-6-43
RIDADR  UN 2878 4.1/PG 3
WGK Germany  3
RTECS 番号 XR1700000
自然発火温度 860 °F
国連危険物分類  4.2
容器等級  III
HSコード  81089020
有毒物質データの 7440-32-6(Hazardous Substances Data)
環境リスク評価 チタン(7440-32-6)
絵表示(GHS) GHS hazard pictograms
注意喚起語 危険
コード 危険有害性情報 危険有害性クラス 区分 注意喚起語 シンボル P コード
H228 可燃性固体 可燃性固体 1
GHS hazard pictograms P210, P240,P241, P280, P370+P378
P210 熱/火花/裸火/高温のもののような着火源から遠ざ けること。-禁煙。
P240 容器を接地すること/アースをとること。
P241 防爆型の電気機器/換気装置/照明機器/...機器を使 用すること。
P280 保護手袋/保護衣/保護眼鏡/保護面を着用するこ と。
P370+P378 火災の場合:消火に...を使用すること。

チタン 価格 もっと(332)

メーカー 製品番号 製品説明 CAS番号 包装 価格 更新時間 購入
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01ALF013976 チタン, ホイル
Titanium foil, 0.127mm (0.005in) thick, 99.99+% (metals basis)
7440-32-6 25×25 mm ¥32900 2024-03-01 購入
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01ALF013976 チタン, ホイル
Titanium foil, 0.127mm (0.005in) thick, 99.99+% (metals basis)
7440-32-6 50×50 mm ¥84400 2024-03-01 購入
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 49524-78 チタン(粉末) 99.90%
Titanium, powder 99.90%
7440-32-6 50g ¥74000 2023-06-01 購入
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 40165-32 チタン(スポンジ状) >99.0%
Titanium, sponge >99.0%
7440-32-6 25g ¥2200 2023-06-01 購入
Sigma-Aldrich Japan GF99390134 チタン rod, 100mm, diameter 3.0mm, annealed, 99.6+%
rod, 100mm, diameter 3.0mm, annealed, 99.6+%
7440-32-6 1EA ¥29500 2024-03-01 購入

チタン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法






  1. チタンはアルミニウムよりも1.5倍重いが、硬さがアルミニウムの6倍高い銀白色の金属

  2. 空気中では600度まで安定で、水の中でも80℃以上でないと腐蝕しない

  3. チタンは塩水、酸化性の酸、アルカリにもよく耐え、極めて腐食されにくい

  4. チタンは合金としてすばらしい性質を発揮する(先端技術に不可欠な金属)。軽く、耐熱性が高く、硬い材料として、モリブデン、クロム、タングステン、バナジウム、ジルコニウム、ニオブ、タルタン等との合金が作られている。

  5. 鉄との合金(フェロチタン)を溶鋼に添加すると鋳造品の品質が向上する

  6. 高純度?純白の二酸化チタンは全波長の光を反射するため、白色顔料として利用

  7. 真空イオン化処理など物理表面処理で表面硬化が可能

  8. チタン合金は耐食性のある酸化物で覆われていて人体への影響が少ない(医療分野や、各種装身具に利用される)

  9. 液体の四塩化チタンは発煙性がある(飛行機より空中文字を描くための着色性発煙剤に好適)


チタン,原子番号22の元素.電子配置[Ar]3d24s2の周期表4族遷移元素.原子量47.867(1).安定同位体は46(8.25(3)%),47(7.44(2)%),48(73.72(3)%),49(5.41(2)%),50(5.18(2)%).質量数38~63の同位体核種が知られる.チタン族元素の一。単体は銀白色の金属。軽くて硬く、耐食性・耐熱性にすぐれ、比強度は鉄の2倍、アルミニウムの6倍でほぼ炭素鋼に等しい。超音速航空機材・化学工業用耐食材などに利用。元素記号Ti 原子番号22。原子量47.88。






  1. 輸送機器(航空機、機体、ジェットエンジン、ミサイル、ロケット部品、ヘリコプター、リニアモーターカー)
  2. 火力、原子力発電用の復水器(復水管、管板)
  3. 産業用機器(油化学用配管、塔櫓、熱交換器、プレート式熱交換器、切削工具)
  4. 電解反応用機器(ソーダー電解の電極、触媒)
  5. 電子?情報機器(燃料電池、磁気ディスク)
  6. 建材(屋根材、モニュメント、架橋ケーブル)
  7. 医療部品(人工骨)
  8. その他(鉄鋼添加材、塗料、印刷インキ、合成樹脂、製紙、化学繊維、ゴム、ガラス部品、スポーツ用品、装飾品)


Titanium was discovered by the Reverend William Gregor in 1791, and is named after the ‘Titans’ of Greek mythology. The metal was not isolated in a pure state until 1910, and useful quantities were not available for industrial applications until 1946, when an economical purification process was developed.


Titanium is a silvery metal or dry, dark-gray amorphous, lustrous powder.


Positioned at the top of group 4 (IVB), titanium heads up a group of metals sometimesreferred to as the “titanium group.” Members of this group have some similar properties.Titanium’s density is 4.5 g/cm3, which makes it heavier than aluminum but not as heavy asiron. Its melting point is high at 1,660°C, and its boiling point is even higher at 3287°C.Titanium metal is harder than steel but much lighter and does not corrode in seawater,which makes it an excellent alloy metal for use in most environmental conditions. It is alsoparamagnetic, which means that it is not responsive to magnetic fields. It is not a very goodconductor of heat or electricity.


There are 23 known isotopes of titanium. All but five are radioactive, rangingfrom Ti-38 to Ti-61, and have half-lives varying from a few nanoseconds to a few hours.The percentages of the five stable isotopes found in nature are as follows: 46Ti = 8.25%,47Ti = 7.44%, 48Ti = 73.72%, 49Ti = 5.41%, and 50Ti = 5.18%.


It was named after “Titans,” meaning the first sons of the Earth as stated in Greek mythology.


Titanium is the ninth most abundant element found in the Earth’s crust, but not in pureform. It is found in two minerals: rutile, which is titanium dioxide (TiO2), and ilmenite(FeTiO3). It is also found in some iron ores and in the slag resulting from the productionof iron. The mineral rutile is the major source of titanium production in the United States.Although titanium is widely spread over the crust of the Earth, high concentrations of itsminerals are scarce. In the past it was separated from it ores by an expensive process ofchemical reduction that actually limited the amount of metal produced. A two-step processinvolves heating rutile with carbon and chlorine to produce titanium tetrachloride—TiO2+ C + 2Cl2 ?→ TiCl4 + CO2—which is followed by heating the titanium tetrachloridewith magnesium in an inert atmosphere: TiCl4 + 2Mg ?→ Ti + 2 MgCl2. As recently as theyear 2000, a method of electrolysis was developed using titanium tetrachloride in a bath ofrare-earth salts. This process can be used on a commercial scale that makes the productionof titanium much less expensive. Titanium was, and still is, a difficult element to extractfrom its ore.Titanium is found throughout the universe and in the stars, the sun, the moon, and themeteorites that land on Earth.


As the first element in group 4, titanium has characteristics similar to those of the othermembers of this group: Zr, Hf, and Rf. Titanium is a shiny, gray, malleable, and ductile metalcapable of being worked into various forms and drawn into wires.


In 1791 Reverend William Gregor (1761–1817), an amateur mineralogist, discoveredan odd black sandy substance in his neighborhood. Because it was somewhat magnetic, hecalculated that it was almost 50% magnetite (a form of iron ore). Most of the remainder ofthe sample was a reddish-brown powder he dissolved in acid to produce a yellow substance.Thinking he had discovered a new mineral, he named it “menachanite,” after the Menachanregion in Cornwall where he lived. During this period, Franz Joseph Muller (1740–1825) alsoproduced a similar substance that he could not identify. In 1793 Martin Heinrich Klaproth(1743–1817), who discovered several new elements and is considered the father of modernanalytical chemistry, identified the substance that Gregor called a mineral as a new element.Klaproth named it “titanium,” which means “Earth” in Latin.


As alloy with copper and iron in titanium bronze; as addition to steel to impart great tensile strength; to aluminum to impart resistance to attack by salt solutions and by organic acids; to remove traces of oxygen and nitrogen from incandescent lamps. Surgical aid (fracture fixation).


Titanium is the ninth most abundant element and accounts for about 0.63% of the Earth’s crust. Analyses of rock samples from the moon indicate that titanium is far more abundant there; some lunar rocks consist of 12% titanium by weight. World production of titanium sponge metal was estimated at 69,000 metric tons in 1991. The most important titaniumbearing minerals are ilmenite, rutile, and leucoxene. Ilmenite (FeTiO3) is found in beach sands (Australia, India, and Florida) and in rock deposits associated with iron (Norway and Finland). Ilmenite accounts for about 91%of the world’s consumption of titanium minerals and world resources of anatase, ilmenite, and rutile total more than 2 billion tons. Rutile (a form ofTiO2) is less abundant; its chief source is certain Australian beach sands. Two other less prominent forms of TiO2 exist, anatase and brookite. The ores vary around the world in TiO2 content from 39% to 96%. Anatase is used as a food color.


A silvery transition metal that occurs in various ores as titanium(IV) oxide and also in combination with iron and oxygen. It is extracted by conversion of titanium(IV) oxide to the chloride, which is reduced to the metal by heating with sodium. Titanium is reactive at high temperatures. It is used in the aerospace industry as it is strong, resistant to corrosion, and has a low density. It forms compounds with oxidation states +4, +3, and +2, the +4 state being the most stable. Symbol: Ti; m.p. 1660°C; b.p. 3287°C; r.d. 4.54 (20°C); p.n. 22; r.a.m. 47.867.


TITANIUM is a gray lustrous powder. TITANIUM can be easily ignited and burns with an intense flame. The very finely powdered material may be ignited by sparks.


Highly flammable. Pyrophoric in dust form [Bretherick 1979, p. 104]. Titanium is water-reactive at 700C, releasing hydrogen, which may cause an explosion [Subref: Mellor, 1941, vol. 7, 19].


TITANIUM reacts violently with cupric oxide and lead oxide when heated. When titanium is heated with potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, or potassium permanganate, an explosion occurs [Mellor 7:20. 1946-47]. The residue from the reaction of titanium with red fuming nitric acid exploded violently when the flask was touched [Allison 1969]. Liquid oxygen gives a detonable mixture when combined with powdered titanium, [Kirchenbaum 1956].


Almost all of titanium’s compounds, as well as the pure metal when in powder form, areextremely flammable and explosive. Titanium metal will ignite in air at 1200°C and willburn in an atmosphere of nitrogen. Titanium fires cannot be extinguished by using water orcarbon dioxide extinguishers. Sand, dirt, or special foams must be used to extinguish burningtitanium.


Inhalation of metal powder may cause coughing,irritation of the respiratory tract, anddyspnea. Intramuscular administration of titaniumin rats caused tumors in blood. Animalcarcinogenicity is not fully established.Human carcinogenicity is not known.


Flammable/combustible material. May ignite on contact with moist air or moisture. May burn rapidly with flare-burning effect. Some react vigorously or explosively on contact with water. Some may decompose explosively when heated or involved in a fire. May re-ignite after fire is extinguished. Runoff may create fire or explosion hazard. Containers may explode when heated.


Questionable carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data. Experimental reproductive effects. The dust may ignite spontaneously in air. Flammable when exposed to heat or flame or by chemical reaction. Titanium can burn in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or air. Also reacts violently with BrF3, CuO, PbOx (Ni + KClO3), metaloxy salts, halocarbons, halogens, CO2, metal carbonates, Al, water, AgF, O2 , nitryl fluoride, HNO3,O2, KClO3, KNO3 , KMnO4, steam @ 704°, trichloroethylene, trichlorotrifluoroethane. Ordinary extinguishers are often ineffective against titanium fires. Such fires require special extinguishers designed for metal fires. In airtight enclosures, titanium fires can be controlled by the use of argon or helium. Titanium, in the absence of moisture, burns slowly, but evolves much heat. The application of water to burning titanium can cause an explosion. Finely dwided titanium dust and powders, like most metal powders, are potential explosion hazards when exposed to sparks, open flame, or high-heat sources. See also TITANIUM COMPOUNDS, POWDERED METALS, and MAGNESIUM.


Titanium metal, because of its low weight, high strength, and heat resistance, is used in the aerospace and aircraft industry as tubing, fittings, fire walls; cowlings, skin sections; jet compressors; and it is also used in surgical appliances. It is used, too, as controlwire casings in nuclear reactors, as a protective coating for mixers in the pulp-paper industry and in other situations in which protection against chlorides or acids is required; in vacuum lamp bulbs and X-ray tubes; as an addition to carbon and tungsten in electrodes and lamp filaments; and to the powder in the pyrotechnics industry. It forms alloys with iron, aluminum, tin, and vanadium, of which ferrotitanium is especially important in the steel industry. Other titanium compounds are utilized in smoke screens, as mordants in dyeing; in the manufacture of cemented metal carbides; as thermal insulators; and in heat resistant surface coatings in paints and plastics.











Titanium is poorly absorbed by plants and animals and is retained to only a certain extent. High levels of titanium in food products can be detects, however, when soil is contaminated by fly-ash fallout or titanium-containing sewage residues and when titanium dioxide is used as a food whitener. Food, which is considered to be the most important source of exposure to titanium, contributes >99% of the daily intake of the element. There are no relevant tolerable intakes for titanium against which to compare estimated dietary intake. Typical diets may contain approximately 0.3–0.5 mg titanium.
Titanium content of soil generally ranges from 0.3 to 6%, high levels of which are found in the vicinity of power plants because of combustion of coal.
Titanium concentrations in the atmosphere are comparatively low. Annual average concentrations in urban air are mostly <0.1 mgm-3 and they are lower still in rural air. Air concentrations up to 0.5 mgm-3 have been reported in urban and industrialized areas.


UN2546 Titanium powder, dry, Hazard Class: 4.2; Labels: 4.2-Spontaneously combustible material.


Powder and dust may ignite spontaneously in air. Violent reactions occur on contact with water, steam, halocarbons, halogens, and aluminum. The dry powder is a strong reducing agent; Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause firesor explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides.

チタン 上流と下流の製品情報



チタン 生産企業

Global( 244)Suppliers
名前 電話番号 電子メール 国籍 製品カタログ 優位度
Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.,Ltd.
+86-0371-55170693 +86-19937530512
info@tianfuchem.com China 21687 55
career henan chemical co
sales@coreychem.com China 29914 58
Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.
linda@hubeijusheng.com CHINA 28180 58
Hubei xin bonus chemical co. LTD
linda@hubeijusheng.com CHINA 22968 58
sale@simagchem.com China 17367 58
wangwendy93@gmail.com China 868 58
Hefei TNJ Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.
sales@tnjchem.com China 34571 58
Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd
+86-029-89586680 +86-18192503167
1026@dideu.com China 9126 58
Zhuoer Chemical Co., Ltd
02120970332; +8613524231522
sales@zhuoerchem.com China 3005 58
Henan Alfa Chemical Co., Ltd
alfa4@alfachem.cn China 13039 58


  • 7440-32-6
  • TITANIUM: 99.98%, WIRE 0.5 MM
  • TITANIUM WIRE: 99.97%, 3N7
  • Titanium foil, 1.6mm (0.063in) thick, 99.2% (metals basis)
  • titanium powder wetted
  • titanium sponge powders
  • Titanium tablets, 2.5cm (1.0in) x 2.5cm (1.0in), 99+% (metals basis)
  • Titanium rod, 12.7mm dia., annealed, 99.5% trace metals basis
  • Titanium foil200x200mm
  • Titanium foil25x75mm
  • Titanium slug, 3.175mm dia. x 6.35mm length, 99.95% trace metals basis
  • Titanium foil100x100mm
  • Titanium gauze150x150mm
  • Titanium foil90x560mm
  • Titanium powder (Ti)
  • Titanium powder , sphere (Ti)
  • Titaniumfoil,0.5mm(0.02in)thick,99.2%(metalsbasis)
  • Titaniumfoil,99,5%(metalsbasis),0,025mm,
  • Titanium, 99.97%, Rod, 6.35 mm diameter
  • Titanium target (Ti)
  • Titanium foil, 0.74mm (0.029 in.) thick, Annealed
  • Titanium foil, 0.127mm (0.005 in.) thick
  • Titanium sponge, 3 to 19mm (0.12 to 0.75 in.)
  • Titanium foil, Grade 1, 0.05mm (0.002 in.) thick, annealed, Temper: soft
  • Titanium plate, 3.175mm (0.125 in.) thick, 100x100mm (3.9x3.9 in.), Annealed
  • Titanium slug, 9.5mm (0.37 in.) dia. x 9.5mm (0.37 in.) length
  • Titanium slug, 3.175mm (0.125 in.) dia. x 6.35mm (0.25 in.) length
  • Titanium wire, 0.75mm (0.03 in.) dia., Temper: as drawn
  • Titanium slug, 3.175mm (0.125 in.) dia. x 3.175mm (0.125 in.) length
  • Titanium foil, 0.127mm (0.005 in.) thick, Annealed
  • チタン
  • ヘキサフルオロチタン(IV)酸アンモニウム
  • 金属チタニウムパウダ-
  • チタン(キューブ),5N
  • チタン(スポンジ状)
  • チタニウム
  • チタン(粉末)
  • チタン,スポンジ
  • チタン,粉末
  • チタン及びその化合物
  • チタン(粉末?乾性のもの)
  • チタン(キューブ), 5N
  • チタン(粉末) 350メッシュ
  • チタン.スポンジ
  • チタン.板状
  • チタン.粉末
  • チタン, 塊状
  • チタン, FOIL
  • チタン, ホイル
  • チタン, 粉末
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