Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), popularly speaking, are the raw materials of medicines, only pharmaceutical raw materials are processed into pharmaceutical preparations , can they become medicines available for clinical use, so drugs we usually eat are the finished drugs through processing. Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients based on its sources can be divided into two major categories ,including chemical synthetic drugs and natural chemical drugs. Chemical synthetic drugs can be divided into organic synthetic drugs and inorganic synthetic drugs. Inorganic synthetic drugs are inorganic compounds ( very few is element), such as aluminum hydroxide, magnesium trisilicate which are used for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers ; organic synthetic drugs are mainly composed of drugs made by basic organic chemical raw materials, through a series of organic chemical reactions (such as aspirin, chloramphenicol, caffeine, etc.). Natural chemical drugs ,based on its sources,can be divided into two categories including biochemical drugs and plant chemical drugs. Antibiotics are generally made by the microbial fermentation, which belongs to the biochemistry category. A variety of semi-synthetic antibiotics occurs in recent years,which are biosynthesis and chemical synthesis combining products.Among active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, the organic synthetic drugs varieties, yields and values have the largest proportion,which are the main pillars of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The quality of active Pharmaceutical Ingredients decides whether the formulation is good or bad , so its quality standards are very strict ,countries in the world have developed national pharmacopoeia standards and strict quality control methods for its widely used active Pharmaceutical ingredients.

Effect of glufosinate ammonium on environment

Glufosinate ammonium is a broad-spectrum contact killing herbicide

Mar 29,2022  API

Application of Sorbic acid

Sorbic acid, also known as herbal tea acid, 2,4-hexadienoic acid, 2-propenyl acrylic acid.

Mar 29,2022  API

Mechanism of action of Streptomycin

Streptomycin was the first antibiotic to be effective against tuberculosis and was the first drug of any kind to be tested in a randomized controlled trial. It is a natural product produced by a soil

Mar 28,2022  API

Toxicity of Rifapentine

Rifapentine is a cyclopentyl-substituted rifampicin derivative, originally synthesized in 1965 and subsequently approved for use in the USA in 1998. It is bactericidal against Mycobacterium tuberculos

Mar 28,2022  API

Uses and Toxicity of Rifaximin

Rifaximin (4-deoxy-4u-methylpyrido[1u,2u-1,2]imidazole-[5,4c]-rifamycin SV) is a synthetic antimicrobial and derivative of rifamycin. It was first described, as compound L-105, in 1982 and marketed in

Mar 28,2022  API

A phenethyl imidazole derivative:Miconazole

Miconazole has a fungistatic effect on susceptible fungi by inhibiting sterol C-14 demethylation of lanosterol, resulting in ergosterol depletion in the fungal cell membrane.

Mar 28,2022  API

Side-effects of rifabutin

Similar to rifampicin, rifabutin (also known as ansamycin LM 427) is a derivative of rifamycin S. The most important property of this drug is that it is more active than rifampicin against Mycobacteri

Mar 28,2022  API


Itraconazole (Sporanoxs) is a synthetic triazole drug developed in the 1980s as the first orally bioavailable triazole agent. Similar to posaconazole, it contains a piperazine-phenyl-triazole side cha

Mar 28,2022  API

Fluconazole---A bis-triazole antifungal agent

Fluconazole is currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of cryptococcosis and candidiasis, including invasive, oroesophageal, urogenital, and vulvovaginal disease.

Mar 28,2022  API

The importance of D-ribose in human health

D-ribose is an important five-carbon monosaccharide with the chemical formula C5H10O5

Mar 28,2022  API
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