Industrial Applications and Uses of Chromium

The most important application of chromium is in the production of steel. High-carbon and other grades of ferro-chomium alloys are added to steel to improve mechanical properties, increase hardening,

Sep 27,2019  Inorganic chemistry

What Is Titanium Dioxide?

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about titanium dioxide, which can be used as a colorant in foods. While headlines may suggest titanium dioxide is a health concern, scientific research has

Sep 27,2019  Inorganic chemistry

Industrial Preparation of Chromium Metal

Chromium occurs in the minerals chromite, FeO?Cr2O3 and crocoite, PbCrO4. Chromium metal is produced by thermal reduction of chromium(III) oxide, Cr2O3 by aluminum, silicon or carbon. The starting mat

Sep 27,2019  Inorganic chemistry

Beryllium Applications

Beryllium, chemical symbol Be, atomic number 4, and relative atomic mass (i.e., atomic weight) 9.012182, is the first element of the alkaline-earth metals, i.e., group IIA of Mendeleev’s periodic char

Sep 27,2019  Inorganic chemistry

The applications of Francium

Francium occurs naturally in nature as the 223Fr radionuclide in uranium minerals. It was first discovered in 1939 by Mademoiselle Marguerite Perey of The Institut Curie (Paris, France). The name come

Sep 27,2019  Inorganic chemistry

The applications and Preparation of Cesium

Cesium, or Caesium, chemical symbol Cs, atomic number 55, and relative atomic mass (i.e., atomic weight) 132.90545, is the fifth alkali metal of group IA of Mendeleev’s periodic chart. The word cesium

Sep 27,2019  Inorganic chemistry

Titanium Properties and Characteristics

Titanium is also formidable in its resistance to corrosion by both water and chemical media. It does this by forming a thin layer of titanium dioxide (TiO2) on its surface that is extremely difficult

Sep 26,2019  Inorganic chemistry

9 Ways People Used Radium Before We Understood the Risks

Radium was discovered by Marie Curie and her husband Pierre in 1898. In 1903, the Royal Academy of Sciences awarded Marie and Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel the Nobel Prize in Physics, making Marie

Sep 26,2019  Inorganic chemistry

Radium Industrial Applications and Uses

Radium ,chemical symbol Ra, atomic number 88, and relative atomic mass [226] for the longest-life isotope, is the heaviest element of the alkaline-earth metals. The name Alkaline-Earth Metals 265 4 Le

Sep 26,2019  Inorganic chemistry

General Properties of Chromium

Chromium [7440-47-3], atomic number 24 and relative atomic mass 51.9961(6), is the first element of group VIB(6) of Mendeleev’s periodic chart and was named after the Greek khroma, meaning color, due

Sep 26,2019  Inorganic chemistry
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