去氧胆酸钠 MSDSSodium deoxycholate
Deoxycholic acid (DCA) and chenoDeoxycholic acid (CDCA), as the common ingredients of duodenal reflux, act synergistically in many physiological and pathological processes. The cells are repeatedly exposed to 100 μM CDCA and Deoxycholic acid at pH 5.5 for up to 120 min. To simulate chronic local recurrent disease in vitro, the gastric cancer cell line MGC803 is exposed to acidified medium (pH 5.5) containing 100 μM Deoxycholic acid and CDCA. An untreated log-growth MGC803 cell line is generated to be used as a control in normal pH media. After daily 10 min exposure to the acidified bile acids for 60 weeks, MGC803-resistant cells are able to survive and proliferate after 120 min exposure.