苯并(a)芘 MSDS苯并(a)芘
苯并芘(Benzopyrene),它是由一个苯环和一个芘分子结合而成的多环芳烃类化合物,是一种常见的高活性间接致癌物,是目 前世界三大强致癌物之一。根据国家《食用植物油卫生标准》,食用油中 苯并芘含量的最高上限为10微克/千克。苯并[a]芘及苯并[a]芘溶液是一种具有潜在的致癌、致畸和致突变作用的5环结构多环芳烃。
Statistically significant decrease is observed at 7 weeks in females receiving 1.0 mg Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) compare with the vehicle group. As lung tumorigenesis induced by Benzo[a]pyrene is dose dependent in female A/J mice. The incidence of hyperplasia values in females treating with 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 mg Benzo[a]pyrene are significantly higher than in the vehicle-treated group. The incidence of adenoma in females receiving 1.0 mg Benzo[a]pyrene is significantly higher than in the vehicle group. The multiplicity of hyperplasia in females receiving 0.50 or 1.0 mg Benzo[a]pyrene is significantly higher than in the vehicle group. The multiplicity of adenoma in the group treated with 1.0 mg is also significantly higher than in the vehicle group. The incidences of hyperplasia and adenoma in female A/J mice are significantly increased by Benzo[a]pyrene in a dose-dependent manner. Benzo[a]pyrene induces an average of 9.38±1.75 tumors with an average tumor load of 19.53±3.81 mm 3 (P<0.05 compare to control). Benzo[a]pyrene administration significantly (P<0.05) decreases cAMP levels in tumors with adjacent lung tissues. The expression level of PDE4D gene is also increased by Benzo[a]pyrene administration.