
Nicotinic acid Struktur
Englisch Name:
Nicotinic acid

Nicotinsure Eigenschaften

236-239 °C(lit.)
1.5423 (estimate)
storage temp. 
4.85(at 25℃)
White to off-white
2.7 (18g/l, H2O, 20℃)
Geruch (Odor)
odorless to sl. odor, sour taste
Biologische Quelle
synthetic (organic)
1-5 g/100 mL at 17 ºC
BCS Class
Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. May be light sensitive.
CAS Datenbank
59-67-6(CAS DataBase Reference)
NIST chemische Informationen
EPA chemische Informationen
Nicotinic acid (59-67-6)
  • Risiko- und Sicherheitserklärung
  • Gefahreninformationscode (GHS)
Kennzeichnung gefährlicher Xi,T,F
R-Sätze: 36/37/38-36-39/23/24/25-23/24/25-11
S-Sätze: 26-36-24/25-45-36/37-16-7
RIDADR  UN1230 - class 3 - PG 2 - Methanol, solution
WGK Germany  1
RTECS-Nr. QT0525000
Selbstentzündungstemperatur >365 °C Dust
HS Code  29362990
Giftige Stoffe Daten 59-67-6(Hazardous Substances Data)
Toxizität LD50 s.c. in rats: 5 g/kg (Brazda, Coulson)
Bildanzeige (GHS) GHS hazard pictograms
Alarmwort Warnung
Code Gefahrenhinweise Gefahrenklasse Abteilung Alarmwort Symbol P-Code
H319 Verursacht schwere Augenreizung. Schwere Augenreizung Kategorie 2 Warnung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS07.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P264, P280, P305+P351+P338,P337+P313P
P264 Nach Gebrauch gründlich waschen.
P264 Nach Gebrauch gründlich waschen.
P280 Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz tragen.
P305+P351+P338 BEI KONTAKT MIT DEN AUGEN: Einige Minuten lang behutsam mit Wasser spülen. Eventuell vorhandene Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiter spülen.
P337+P313 Bei anhaltender Augenreizung: Ärztlichen Rat einholen/ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen.

Nicotinsure Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden




Staubexplosion der pulverisierten oder granulierten Substanz in Gemischen mit Luft möglich.


Beim Verbrennen Bildung von giftigen Gasen mit Stickoxiden. Reagiert mit Oxidationsmitteln, starken Säuren und Basen.


TLV nicht festgelegt.
MAK nicht festgelegt.


Eine belästigende Partikelkonzentration in der Luft kann schnell erreicht werden beim Dispergieren, vor allem als Pulver.


Die Substanz reizt schwach die Augen.


Persönliche Schutzausrüstung: Atemschutzgerät mit Partikelfilter entsprechend der Arbeitsplatzkonzentration des Stoffes. Verschüttetes Material in Behältern sammeln; falls erforderlich durch Anfeuchten Staubentwicklung verhindern. Reste sorgfältig sammeln. An sicheren Ort bringen. NICHT in die Umwelt gelangen lassen.

R-Sätze Betriebsanweisung:

R36/37/38:Reizt die Augen, die Atmungsorgane und die Haut.

S-Sätze Betriebsanweisung:

S26:Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und Arzt konsultieren.
S36:DE: Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzkleidung tragen.
S24/25:Berührung mit den Augen und der Haut vermeiden.

Aussehen Eigenschaften

C6H5NO2; Niacin, Pyridin-3-carbonsäure. Farbloses bis leicht gelbliches Pulver ohne Geruch.

Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt

Reizt die Augen. Nach Resorption größerer Mengen Narkose, Blutdruckabfall und ZNS-Störungen möglich.
LD50 (oral, Ratte): >5000 mg/kg

Schutzmaßnahmen und Verhaltensregeln

Geeignete Schutzhandschuhe als kurzzeitiger Staubschutz.

Verhalten im Gefahrfall

Staubentwicklung vermeiden. Stäube nicht einatmen.
Trocken aufnehmen. Der Entsorgung zuführen. Nachreinigen.
Kohlendioxid, Wasser, Pulver.
Brennbar. Im Brandfall können nitrose Gase entstehen.

Erste Hilfe

Nach Hautkontakt: Mit reichlich Wasser abwaschen.
Nach Augenkontakt: Mit reichlich Wasser bei geöffnetem Lidspalt mindestens 10 Minuten ausspülen. Augenarzt hinzuziehen.
Nach Einatmen: Frischluft.
Nach Verschlucken: Reichlich Wasser trinken. Erbrechen auslösen. Arzt hinzuziehen.
Nach Kleidungskontakt: Kontaminierte Kleidung entfernen.
Ersthelfer: siehe gesonderten Anschlag

Sachgerechte Entsorgung

Als feste Laborchemikalienabfälle.


Niacin is an additive to food on the basis of its nutrient supplement qualities as a vitamin (as an enzyme co-factor). This water-soluble vitamin of the B complex occurs in various animal and plant tissues. It is required by the body for the formation of coenzymes NAD and NADP. A deficiency of niacin results in the disease, pellagra.

Chemische Eigenschaften

NIACIN is sometimes referred to as nicotinic acid or nicotinamide and earlier called the P-P factor, antipellagra factor, antiblacktongue factor, and vitamin B4, niacin is available in several forms (niacin, niacinamide, niacinamide ascorbate, etc.) for use as a nutrient and dietary supplement. Niacin is frequently identified with the B complex vitamin grouping. Early in the research on niacin, a nutritional niacin deficiency was identified as the cause of pellagra in humans, blacktongue in dogs, and certain forms of dermatosis in humans. Niacin deficiency is also associated with perosis in chickens as well as poor feathering of the birds.

Physikalische Eigenschaften

Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide are colorless crystalline substances. Each is insol uble or only sparingly soluble in organic solvents. Nicotinic acid is slightly soluble in water and ethanol; nicotinamide is very soluble in water and moderately soluble in ethanol
Nicotinic acid is amphoteric and forms salts with acids as well as bases. Its car boxyl group can form esters and anhydrides and can be reduced. Both nicotinic acid and nicotinamide are very stable in dry form, but in solution nicotinamide is hydro lyzed by acids and bases to yield nicotinic ac
The coenzyme forms of niacin are the pyridine nucleotides, NAD(H) and NADP(H). In each of these compounds, the electron-withdrawing effect of the N-1 atom and the amide group of the oxidized pyridine nucleus enables the pyridine C-4 atom to react with many nucleophilic agents (e.g., sulfite, cyanide, and hydride ions). It is the reaction with hydride ions (H?) that is the basis of the enzymatic hydrogen transfer by the pyridine nucleotides; the reaction involves the transfer of two electrons in a single step
Several substituted pyridines are antagonists of niacin in biological systems: pyridine-3-sulfonic acid, 3-acetylpyridine, isonicotinic acid hydrazine, 17 and 6-aminonicotinamide


Huber first synthesized nicotinic acid in 1867. In 1914, Funk isolated nicotinic acid from rice polishings. Goldberger, in 1915, demonstrated that pellagra is a nutritional deficiency. In 1917, Chittenden and Underhill demonstrated that canine blacktongue is similar to pellagra. In 1935, Warburg and Christian showed that niacinamide is essential in hydrogen transport as diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN). In the following year, Euler et al. isolated DPN and determined its structure. In 1937, Elvhehjem et al. cured blacktongue by administration of niacinamide derived from liver. In the same year, Fouts et al. cured pellagra with niacinamide. In 1947, Handley and Bond established conversion of tryptophan to niacin by animal tissues.


Nicotinic acid is a precursor of the coenzymes NAD and NADP. Widely distributed in nature; appreciable amounts are found in liver , fish, yeast and cereal grains. It is a water-soluble b-complex vitamin that is necessary for the growth and health of tissues. Dietary deficiency is associated with pellagra. It was functions as a nutrient and dietary supplement that prevents pellagra. The term "niacin" has also been applied. The term “niacin” has also been applied to nicotinamide or to other derivatives exhibiting the biological activity of nicotinic acid.


Nicotinic acid is also known as niacin and vitamin B3. It is a water-soluble conditioning agent that improves rough, dry, or flaky skin, helping smooth the skin and improve its suppleness. niacin enhances the appearance and feel of hair, by increasing body, suppleness, or sheen, or by improving the texture of hair that has been damaged physically or by chemical treatment. When used in the formulation of skin care products, niacinamide and niacin enhance the appearance of dry or damaged skin by reducing flaking and restoring suppleness.


ChEBI: Nicotinic acid is a pyridinemonocarboxylic acid that is pyridine in which the hydrogen at position 3 is replaced by a carboxy group. It has a role as an antidote, an antilipemic drug, a vasodilator agent, a metabolite, an EC (nicotinamidase) inhibitor, an Escherichia coli metabolite, a mouse metabolite, a human urinary metabolite and a plant metabolite. It is a vitamin B3, a pyridinemonocarboxylic acid and a pyridine alkaloid. It is a conjugate acid of a nicotinate.

Allgemeine Beschreibung

Nicotinic acid, 3-pyridinecarboxylicacid (Niacin), is effective in the treatment of all types ofhyperlipoproteinemia except type I, at doses above thosegiven as a vitamin supplement. The drug reduces VLDLsynthesis and, subsequently, its plasma products, IDL andLDL. Plasma triglyceride levels are reduced because of thedecreased VLDL production. Cholesterol levels are lowered,in turn, because of the decreased rate of LDL formationfrom VLDL. Although niacin is the drug of choicefor type II hyperlipoproteinemias, its use is limited becauseof the vasodilating side effects. Flushing occurs inpractically all patients but generally subsides when thedrug is discontinued.
The hypolipidemic effects of niacin may be caused byits ability to inhibit lipolysis (i.e., prevent the release ofFFAs and glycerol from fatty tissues). Therefore, there is areduced reserve of FFA in the liver and diminution oflipoprotein biosynthesis, which reduces the production ofVLDL. The decreased formation of lipoproteins leads to apool of unused cholesterol normally incorporated inVLDL. This excess cholesterol is then excreted throughthe biliary tract.

Air & Water Reaktionen

Water soluble.

Reaktivität anzeigen

Nicotinic acid is incompatible with strong oxidizers. Nicotinic acid is also incompatible with sodium nitrite.


Flash point data for Nicotinic acid are not available; however, Nicotinic acid is probably combustible.

Biologische Aktivität

Nicotinic acid can be converted to nicotinamide in the animal body and, in this form, is found as a component of two oxidation-reduction coenzymes, NAD and NADP.The nicotinamide portion of the coenzyme transfers hydrogens by alternating between an oxidized quaternary nitrogen and a reduced tertiary nitrogen. Enzymes that contain NAD or NADP are usually called dehydrogenases. They participate in many biochemical reactions of lipid, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism. An example of an NAD-requiring system is lactic dehydrogenase which catalyzes the conversion of lactic acid to pyruvic acid.

Mechanism of action

Nicotinic acid decreases formation and secretion of VLDL by the liver.This action appears secondary to its ability to inhibit fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissue. Circulating free fatty acids provide the main source of fatty acids for hepatic triglyceride synthesis, and lowering triglyceride synthesis lowers VLDL formation and secretion by the liver. Since plasma VLDL is the source of LDL, lowering VLDL can ultimately lower LDL. In addition, nicotinic acid shifts LDL particles to larger (more buoyant) sizes. The larger LDL particles are thought to be less atherogenic. Nicotinic acid can also significantly increase plasma HDL levels; the mechanism is unknown.


Nicotinic acid is readily absorbed. Peripheral vasodilation is seen within 20 minutes, and peak plasma concentrations occur within 45 minutes. The half-life of the compound is approximately one hour, thus necessitating frequent dosing or an extended-release formulation. Extended release tablets produce peripheral vasodilation within 1 hour, reach peak plasma concentrations within 4 to 5 hours, and have a duration of 8 to 10 hours.
Dosing of nicotinic acid should be titrated to minimize adverse effects. An initial dose of 50 to 100 mg t.i.d. often is used with immediaterelease tablets. The dose then is gradually increased by 50 to 100 mg every 3 to 14 days, up to a maximum of 6 g/day, as tolerated. Therapeutic monitoring to assess efficacy and prevent toxicity is essential until a stable and effective dose is reached. Similar dosing escalations are available for extended-release products, with doses normally starting at 500 mg once daily at bedtime..

Clinical Use

Nicotinic acid has been esterified to prolong itshypolipidemic effect. Pentaerythritol tetranicotinate hasbeen more effective experimentally than niacin in reducingcholesterol levels in rabbits. Sorbitol and myo-inositolhexanicotinate polyesters have been used in the treatment ofpatients with atherosclerosis obliterans.The usual maintenance dose of niacin is 3 to 6 g/daygiven in three divided doses. The drug is usually given atmealtimes to reduce the gastric irritation that often accompanieslarge doses.


Compliance with nicotinic acid therapy can be poor because the drug can produce an intense cutaneous flush. This can be reduced by beginning the drug in stepped doses of 250 mg twice daily and increasing the dose monthly by 500 to 1000 mg per day to a maximum of 3000 mg per day.Taking nicotinic acid on a full stomach (end of meal) and taking aspirin before dosage can reduce the severity of flushing. Time-release forms of nicotinic acid may also decrease cutaneous flushing. Nicotinic acid can cause gastrointestinal (GI) distress,liver dysfunction (especially at high doses), decreased glucose tolerance, hyperglycemia, and hyperuricemia. Thus, it is contraindicated in patients with hepatic dysfunction, peptic ulcer, hyperuricemia, or diabetes mellitus. A paradox associated with nicotinic acid is that it is the most widely available hypolipidemic drug (it is sold over the counter), yet its use requires the closest management by the physician.


Poison by intraperitoneal route. Moderately toxic by ingestion, intravenous, and subcutaneous routes. Human systemic effects: change in clotting factors, changes in platelet count. Questionable carcinogen with experimental carcinogenic data. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx.


Nicotinic acid is a B-complex vitamin that is converted to nicotinamide, NAD+ , and NADP+ .The latter two compounds are coenzymes and are required for oxidation/reduction reactions in a variety of biochemical pathways. Additionally, nicotinic acid is metabolized to a number of inactive compounds, including nicotinuric acid and N-methylated derivatives. Normal biochemical regulation and feedback prevent large doses of nicotinic acid from producing excess quantities of NAD+ and NADP+ .Thus, small doses of nicotinic acid, such as those used for dietary supplementation, will be primarily excreted as metabolites, whereas large doses, such as those used for the treatment of hyperlipoproteinemia, will be primarily excreted unchanged by the kidney.

läuterung methode

Crystallise the acid from *benzene, EtOH or H2O. It sublimes without decomposition. [McElvain Org Synth Coll Vol I 385 1941, Beilstein 22 III/IV 439, 22/2 V 57.]

Nicotinsure Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte


Downstream Produkte

Nicotinsure Anbieter Lieferant Produzent Hersteller Vertrieb Händler.

Global( 1271)Lieferanten
Firmenname Telefon E-Mail Land Produktkatalog Edge Rate
Tanjin Zhongui Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
+8613821161669 United States 1 58
Jiangxi Huihe Chemical Co., Ltd.
+86-19189228086 +8618858568638 China 886 58
Anhui Dexinjia Biopharm Co., Ltd
+86-531-82371986 +86-15064117275 China 291 58
Hebei Chuanghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd
+86-15531157085 +86-15531157085 China 8805 58
Hebei Mujin Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
+86 13288715578 +8613288715578 China 12825 58
Hebei Yanxi Chemical Co., Ltd.
+8617531153977 China 5855 58
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+86-0311-87836622 +86-18712993135 China 8051 58
Hebei Chuanghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd
+8615531151365 China 18142 58

59-67-6(Nicotinsure)Verwandte Suche:

  • TIMTEC-BB SBB004279
  • 3-Carboxylpyridine
  • Vitamin B5
  • Acide nicotinique
  • acidenicotinique
  • Akotin
  • anti-Pellagra vitamin
  • Nicangin
  • Nico-400
  • Nicobid
  • Nicocap
  • Nicocidin
  • Nicocrisina
  • Nicodan
  • Nicodelmine
  • Nicodon
  • Niconat
  • Niconazid
  • Nicorol
  • Nicosan 3
  • nicosan3
  • Nicoside
  • Nico-Span
  • Nicosyl
  • Nicotamin
  • Nicotil
  • nicotineacid
  • Nicotinipca
  • nicotinoylhydrazine
  • Nicotinsaure
  • Nicovasan
  • vitaplexn
  • D-calcium d-pantothenate
  • Nicotinic acidPh.Eur.GSK project
  • 3 -pyridinecarboxy1ic acid
  • niacin usp
  • Nicotineacid,99%
  • Nicotinic Acid (1.06817)
  • Nicotinic acid, USP Grade Niacin, USP Grade
  • Niacin, Vitamin B3
  • Niacin/nicotinic acid
  • 3-Picolinic acid, Niacin, Pellagra preventive factor, Pyridine-3-carboxylic acid, VitaminB3
  • 3-Picolinic acid, Acidum nicotinicum, Niacin, Pellagra preventive factor, Pyridine-3-carboxylic acid, VitaminB3
  • Niacin min. 99.5%
  • Nicotinic acid,3-Picolinic acid, Niacin, Pellagra preventive factor, Pyridine-3-carboxylic acid, VitaminB3
  • Nicotinic acid,3-Picolinic acid, Acidum nicotinicum, Niacin, Pellagra preventive factor, Pyridine-3-carboxylic acid, VitaminB3
  • Nicotinic acid, extra pure, Ph Eur, USP
  • Nicotinic acid 5g [59-67-6]
  • Niacin (200 mg)
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