NOR-FLUOROCURARINE(VINCANINE) Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
An alkaloid of Vinca species, this base occurs in V. erecta and V. herbacea W. K.
and has also been isolated from Diplorrhynchus condylocarpon subsp. rnossarn_x0002_biciensis. It forms colourless crystals from EtOH and is strongly laevorotatory
having [α]
D- 1248° (c 0.027, CHCI3). The ultraviolet spectrum in MeOH has
absorption maxima at 242, 299 and 360 mJ.1. with a shoulder at 290 mJ.1.. The
quaternary N-methyl derivative is identical with C-Curarine III (q.v.).
Yunusov, Yuldashev., J. Gen. Chern., USSR, 27, 2015 (1957)
Stauffacher., Helv. Chirn. Acta, 44,2006 (1961)
Yuldashev, Yunusov., Khirn. Zh. Uzbeksk., 7, No.1, 44 (1963)
Pyuskyulev, Ognyanov, Panov., Tetrahedron Lett., 4559 (1967)
NOR-FLUOROCURARINE(VINCANINE) Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte