MACULOSIDINE Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
A further furoquinoline base found in Flindersia rnaculosa and also in various
species of Eriosternon, the alkaloid yields colourless crystals from EtOH. No
salts or derivatives have been prepared.
Brown et a!., Austral. 1. Chern., 7, 181 (1954)
Duffield, Jefferies, Lucich., ibid, 15,812 (1962)
Duffield, Jefferies, Lucich., ibid, 16, 123 (1963)
Duffield et al., Tetrahedron, 19,593 (1963)
Govindachari, Prabhakar.,Ind. 1. Chern., 1, 17 (1963)
MACULOSIDINE Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte